Links! Libraries, Books, Writers, & Suchlike Bodleian Library Launches New Digital.Bodleian Site Indianapolis launches literacy-promoting "Big Free Libraries" Read before you speak "I have a suggestion: If you want to complain about curriculum, you need to read the books. Twice in the last week, undergraduates in North Carolina — first at Duke University and then at the University of North Carolina — have objected to assigned books they haven’t read." Sound advice. Making Maps for Books: Two Cartographers Tell Us How It’s Done Learning to Read: A Survival Guide for Parents Dear Mom, Dad, and Teacher: This Is Why I Read "On the last day of our ten-week Bookopolis Book Club session, I asked a group of fourth and fifth graders a simple question: Why do you read? Here are some of their sincere and unprompted answers..." ‘Dune’ at 50: Why the Groundbreaking Eco-Conscious Novel Is More Relevant Than Ever Health, Science, Net, ...