State of the Blog

Hurrah! Year three of the blog, and time to change things up again! First things first - how'd I do with my 2016 resolutions? Read Books. Check! My "goal" was 42; I finished up with 105. Finish P.D. James's Adam Dalgliesh series. Nope. I just couldn't get through them, guys. I still think P.D. James is a great writer, but I just can't read one mystery after another the way I can fantasy or science fiction. I'll finish them eventually - but probably slowly. Keep up with the Under the Covers book club reads. Check! We ended up reading thirteen books this year. Next year, we're changing the format of the club, and I think I'll like it better. Revamp the blog to review books. Check! I think the Readers Advisory Committee format was a success, although I did end up not loving it as much as I'd thought I would. Make at least one major change in life. So many checks! 2016 brought me a new job and a move back to the area I grew up in. I...