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But they're really good ones, I promise...
- Libraries, Books, & Authors
- School board presented with measure that would restrict what students may or may not read
- New York Times reporter James Risen may be offered deal to avoid jail
- Iceland’s Jólabókaflóð: The Christmas Book Flood
- Net & Tech
- Censorship 2.0: Shadowy forces controlling online conversations "...certain parties – whether individuals with mischief in mind, organisations with vested interests, or certain nation-states – have been using false identities to control online conversations. Unknown forces are making sure their voices are the loudest in online discourse."
- Web firms won’t promise no ‘fast lanes’ My guess is because that's exactly what they want to do.
- Ghost of Antipiracy Bill SOPA Haunts New Copyright Push Do we need copyright law reform? Absolutely! But SOPA/PIPA - well, that was the wrong way to go.
- Congress quietly expands NSA powers for spying on Americans
- St. Louis Post Dispatch Declares That Banning Editorial Comments Will 'Elevate The Ferguson Conversation' What? "Again, does anything say 'we love conversation' quite like restricting conversation?" That.
- Science
- Are Men Idiots Who Do Stupid Things? Study Says Yes "The paper ends with the usual caveat about more research being needed to explain the differences between men and women, but offers a more, shall we say season-appropriate, setting for the future research: '[W]ith the festive season upon us, we intend to follow up with observational field studies and an experimental study — males and females, with and without alcohol — in a semi-naturalistic Christmas party setting.'" Science!
- Authority Issues
- Industrial band Skinny Puppy demand $666,000 after music is used in Guantánamo torture
- Baltimore Police Reportedly Curse at and Taser Woman for Recording Video
- Ferguson to Increase Police Ticketing to Close City’s Budget Gap Also, they will be throwing gasoline on any fires they see. As you do.
- Kristof: U.S. imprisons blacks at rates higher than South Africa during apartheid Maybe. What is known for sure, though - "America imprisons people far more in general than comparable countries. Among the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development nations, the United States is the clear leader with an incarceration rate about two and half times higher than the second place country, Chile." So, yeah, that's troubling.
- Congress Just Passed a Bill Addressing Police Killings While No One Was Looking "A bill passed by both chambers of Congress and headed to President Barack Obama's desk will require local law enforcement agencies to report every police shooting and other death at their hands. That data will include each victim's age, gender and race as well as details about what happened....There's other legislation in the pipeline aimed at combating police brutality following the deaths of Michael Brown, Eric Garner and Tamir Rice, including bills that would require police departments to comply with federal racial profiling standards and stop local agencies from receiving military weapons and equipment."
- Justice Antonin Scalia Says The Constitution Is Silent On Torture That's alright, then.
- Was My 17-Year-Old Son Lynched in 2014? Police Won't Tell Me
- Other
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