In Which I < 3 BBW & CBLDF!

I know it's not Banned Books Week yet (it's September 21-27) - but I can't help myself. It's my favorite holiday.

(It is too a holiday! And I'm expecting presents!)

This year, Banned Books Week is focusing attention on banned and challenged comics and graphic novels.  Comics are awesome - they even make science fun! (No, seriously, go read that article. I'll wait.)

You can tell CBLDF (Comic Book Legal Defense Fund) is also super-excited, because they've provided some awesome resources - not just for Banned Books Week, but for the return to school. I assume they'll have more coming out closer to the big day (squeeee!!!). For those of you who are teachers and/or homeschooling families and/or interested in supplementing your child(ren)'s education and/or like comic books, graphic novels, manga...Okay, it's really for everyone. Here you go:
I love CBLDF. And CBLDF loves me. Well, CBLDF loves libraries, anyway - for instance, check out their love for Chicago school libraries



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