What do you do when the babysitter emails you to tell you she can't watch the kids anymore?
You take them to work.
Strangely enough, I think I got more work done with them here...
You take them to work.
Strangely enough, I think I got more work done with them here...
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- Why sourcing photos matters – how misattribution is amplified on the web. Unless it's my photo, I link to where I found it (you just click the pic). It's a difficult problem, though, and can be potentially much worse, as history gets all twisted up. I mean, we already know there are problems with misattributed quotes (occasionally, we can't find out who really said it at all, anymore); misattributed photos can be just as confusing.
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- United Students Against Sweatshops Want Teach for America Off College Campuses. For very good reasons, really.
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