The Madness Begins...
I'm a big fan of Halloween! What's not to love? You get to dress up in costume and eat lots of candy! (And, no, you're never too old.)
The kids had their first Halloween party of the year tonight, so I get to show off their costumes.
The party itself was pretty cool. The kids played Make a Mummy:
See the little girl in the pink dress? That's Swicky's new friend. See the kid with her, completely wrapped up? That's Swicky.
See Coconut? No. That's because he wasn't interested in playing Make a Mummy. He was too busy playing football with the big boys.
After that, they all went in and watched Hotel Transylvania and ate popcorn. They also got treat bags full of stickers, pencils, and candy to bring home.
All in all, a good night.
Next up: Trunk or Treat!
The kids had their first Halloween party of the year tonight, so I get to show off their costumes.
The party itself was pretty cool. The kids played Make a Mummy:
See the little girl in the pink dress? That's Swicky's new friend. See the kid with her, completely wrapped up? That's Swicky.
See Coconut? No. That's because he wasn't interested in playing Make a Mummy. He was too busy playing football with the big boys.
After that, they all went in and watched Hotel Transylvania and ate popcorn. They also got treat bags full of stickers, pencils, and candy to bring home.
All in all, a good night.
Next up: Trunk or Treat!
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- Man not worried about Ebola after visiting same bridal shop as Amber Joy Vinson "'I didn't exchange any bodily fluids with anyone, so I'm not worried about it,' he said. 'I'm much more likely to be mistakenly killed by a police officer in this country than to be killed by Ebola...'....Pattakos thinks people are overreacting, and he blames wall-to-wall media coverage. He hopes Vinson recovers soon. 'I wish people would freak out this much about climate change,' he said. 'It's one of those problems that's real easy for the media to cover, rather than some of those other problems that people should be more concerned with.'"
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