Links and More Links!
- Libraries, Books, & Writers
- Baton Rouge libraries, BREC decry move by some political to tap into their revenues for other projects
- At Your Service: Information Sleuth at the New York Public Library
- Google’s slow fade with librarians Break ups are rough sometimes...
- 'To Kill A Mockingbird' author Harper Lee to publish second novel
- Feb 3, 1953: Cousteau publishes The Silent World
- Feb 3, 1820: Keats falls deathly ill
- Net & Tech
- The Freedom Clip Breaks Coffee Pod DRM Because Java Wants To Be Free, Man
- Cue the Lawsuits: FCC Moving to Block State Broadband Laws "The action is part of a broader effort by federal officials to address Americans frustrated by the increasing monthly cost of Internet service, especially while the quality sometimes doesn't increase along with it."
- Flexible nanogenerator harvests muscle movement to power mobile devices "Who knows — one day this type of generator could even generate enough energy to power your smartphone, perhaps even removing the battery entirely..." Yes, please!
- Science &Health
- Education
- Teacher: I see the difference in educational privilege every day. I live it. I am disgusted by it. "Where there is money, there is education. Where there isn't money, there is excessive testing, lack of curricular options, and struggle. There is the struggle to give students the tools they need to fight their way through a system that is designed to hold them back from the moment they take their first breath, from the moment they try to write their first paragraph."
- International
- French Police Arrest 8-Year-Old Muslim Boy on Ridiculous Charges Of Supporting Terrorism "The boy, Ahmed, was arrested on January 8, a day after the Charlie Hedbo attacks. His teacher reportedly asked him if he was Charlie, and when he refused, the director of the school filed a complaint with the police accusing him of supporting terrorism. He was also reportedly denied an insulin shot (he is diabetic)."
- Other
- Feb 3, 1959: The day the music died
- Murder-suicide of Tulane law students: 'Nobody saw this coming' "LaMont and Mazloum bring to at least seven the number of Tulane students to die since last August, and Mazloum appears to be the fourth suicide amongst that group." Tulane needs extra prayers right now.
- Brooklyn Family Sues NYPD After Teen Seeking Help Was Allegedly Turned Away
- Groveland officers accused of using excessive force on 11-year-old girl
- Exxon won't pay into cleanup fund because oil spilled in Arkansas isn't "oil" "According to the oil industry, tar sands oil is oil when the oil industry needs oil spill cleanup funds, but it isn't oil when it comes to paying for that cleanup fund. The industry also opposes changes to how tar sands oil pipelines are regulated. So again, they consider tar sands oil just like conventional oil when it comes to their pipelines, but not when it comes to cleaning the spills those pipelines create."
- Court tosses warrant where FBI cut Internet, posed as hotel repairmen
- Gardena Family ‘Disgusted’ by Black, Foul-Smelling Water Coming From Tap Gross...
- Millions of Gallons of "Missing" BP Oil are Sitting at the Bottom of the Gulf
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