Maybe I've Been Reading Too Much Lovecraft...
I think I'm looking super-cute in my spiffy new skirt today:
That is all.
That is all.
- Libraries, Books, Writers, & Suchlike
- Sleds join case books at Law Library
- Best-Seller 'Station Eleven' Acquired by 'Jane Got a Gun' Producer
- The origin and future of Paddington, in the words of his creator, Michael Bond
- Pride, Prejudice, Prostitutes and Pickles: Scholars Unearth Two Letters Relating to Jane Austen
- The House That Jon Stewart Built "Al Franken’s combination of political satire and low-key activism led to a seat in the United States Senate. Maybe 'the most trusted man in America' will consider a similar path now too." Wouldn't that be interesting?
- Brian Williams Suspended From NBC for 6 Months Without Pay
- Twitter abuse: Women journalists get more threats
- Investigative journalists are pretty sure the U.S. government is watching them
- Net & Tech
- A Smartly Designed Bike Whose Handlebars Become a Lock
- Google offers 2GB free storage for security check
- The case for Internet access in prisons "There’s a solid case to be made for letting convicts have more exposure to the Internet. Denying them this resource not only preempts any chance for rehabilitation to the free world, but also denies them a voice in a worldwide conversation that seems largely ready to forget they exist."
- Net neutrality proposal a huge victory for consumers, Silicon Valley Related: Wall Street Knows Darn Well That FCC's Net Neutrality Rules Won't Harm Broadband: Stocks Went Up
- The FCC Outlawed Hotel Wi-Fi Blocking
- After months of silence from feds on flying phone surveillance, EFF sues
- Health & Science
- Low-fat diet advice was based on undercooked science
- Protein Treatment Staves Off Alzheimer’s Disease Symptoms
- 3D Vaccine Self-Assembles To Fight Cancer and Infectious Disease
- 7 Vaccine Myths Debunked by Doctors
- BART Rider Infected With Measles is An Employee At LinkedIn
- What 3-Parent Babies Mean For The Future Of Reproductive Medicine
- The monarch massacre: Nearly a billion butterflies have vanished Want to help save the butterflies? Consider planting a butterfly garden! And also laying off the pesticides, of course.
- Education
- Bobby Jindal Isn't Sure How Much LSU Tuition Costs "'Perhaps Governor Jindal should spend more time here in Louisiana, focused on the budget crisis he’s created and the crippling cuts facing our colleges and universities, rather than rubbing elbows with D.C. media folks. Tuition has nearly doubled since Jindal took office, and those tuition hikes are essentially tax increases on the working families of this state. Jindal showed just how out of touch he’s become when he wrongly claimed it costs less than $10,000 a year to send your child to LSU. The real price tag is more like $20,000 a year, but Jindal is simply clueless when it comes to how his failed policies are hurting Louisiana families.'" I couldn't have said it better myself.
- Bobby Jindal Says America Needs Educated Population, Slashes Education Budget
- Jindal’s claim that Louisiana’s higher education budget is ‘slightly higher’ as close as you can get to a lie without just making it up entirely.
- International
- Other
- Waterboarding Whistleblower Released From Prison, Two Months After Torture Report's Release Vindicated His Actions
- Jeb Bush dumps emails including social security numbers of Florida residents online Oops. I hope he never has access to the nuclear codes, hey?
- Bobby Jindal either has not read or is lying about the Constitution
- 'Out of tricks:' How Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal has driven state to $1.6B budget deficit
- US prosecutors weigh criminal charges against HSBC as Elizabeth Warren turns up the heat
- A Man Calls 911 to Help a Stabbing Victim, Police Shoot Him and His Dog Instead
- Grandfather visiting Alabama from India stopped by police while taking walk, left partly paralyzed
- Some States Are Closing Prisons And Turning Them Into Homeless Shelters, Reentry Centers
- Jails Have Become Warehouses for the Poor, Ill and Addicted, a Report Says
- The Killing of Three Young Muslims at Chapel Hill
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