Please Be Careful with Your Littles in the Snow

I know it's fun to see the kiddos playing outside in the snow. But snow is deceptive. It's glittery and fun and absolutely deadly. Two recent stories have made the dangers for littles perfectly clear.

Six-year-old Alyvia was bundled up and only played outside with her friend for about half an hour, but snow got packed down into her boots and she ended up in the hospital with severe frostbite. Many parents are aware that kids playing outside in the heat often don't recognize they are overheating or becoming dehydrated; snow and cold has a similar problem, in that kids suffering from frostbite don't actually feel any pain in the damaged areas. If you let your kids play outside in the snow, make sure they change clothes immediately when they come in, and check to make sure they're physically okay. And, honestly, if you think it's too cold for you to be outside, keep the kids in!

Luckily, Alyvia will be okay. Three-year-old Elijah, however, was found dead outside in the snow when he wandered out of his grandmother's apartment in the middle of the night and got locked out. Littles are able to gauge the dangers around them; when the weather is this dangerous, it's best to be over-protective.

The winter weather isn't over yet, although Spring is only a few short weeks away, technically. If you have kiddos, be extra careful of them. Don't let the prettiness of the snow deceive you.



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