A Book Recommendation for All Ages!
The literature on logic and logical fallacies is wide and exhaustive. Some of it aims to help the reader utilize the tools and paradigms that support good reasoning, and hence to lead to more constructive debates. But reading about things that one should not do is also a useful learning experience....This work primarily talks about things that one should not do in arguments. Ali Almossawi's picture book An Illustrated Book of Bad Arguments . Several common fallacious arguments are quickly explained; the gorgeous illustrations provide a visual object lesson to nail home the point. It really is a book for all ages. In fact, it should be required reading for all ages. I'm serious. Use it to read your babies to sleep - they'll learn to avoid logical fallacies as they giggle at the cute pictures (and the pictures are very cute). It should be read in elementary schools, and again in high school, and again in college. (To be fair, supplementary materials ...