A Little Madness Never Hurt Anyone

Lent Madness has become a 'thing' at our house - during Lent, we pause the family devotional study (whatever it might be at the time) and we do Lent Madness. The kids and I will read about the saints du jour, discuss their lives and how they act as examples in our own walks of faith, and then we decide who we like best. We follow along with the bracket and work our way with other Church members towards the eventual awarding of the Golden Halo. It's a fun way to get the kiddos thinking about how we live out our stated beliefs.

It's nice to see we're not the only ones: Lent (Madness) at Home with Teens and Tweens

The site does have some more serious resources for Lent devotionals, too, but I think Lent Madness is a fun family devotion!



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