Exciting Links!
Unbelievably amazing things happening today, folks!
- Lent Madness (and its parent organization Forward Movement) have made an awesome deal with McDonald's. I want to collect all the Happy Meal Saints!
- Samsung has found the perfect use for all the damn pigeons everywhere. NOLA needs to get on this, pronto.
- The GOP is changing their colors. Literally.
- LinkedIn has a new twist: Announcing LinkedIn Cats You May Know: Connecting Felines One Paw at a Time. This is going to work great with Free Library's new "Cat"alog!
- Patchy beard? NO beard? Here's a product you might be interested in...I'm going to need one for my dwarf cosplay.
- The spring time change has been done at Avebury Circle.
- On this date in 1996, Taco Bell bought the Liberty Bell.
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