Happy 450th Birthday, Shakespeare!

The Droeshout Engraving of Shakespeare

It's Shakespeare's 450th birthday! I don't know why there's no Google Doodle for this momentous occasion, but - there you have it. Or, rather, you don't. Because there's not one.

If you don't know who Shakespeare is, how exactly did you pull that one off? Anyway, you can check out his biography and/or his bibliography. You can also check out these 10 things you didn't know about Shakespeare and contemplate 13 everyday phrases that actually came from Shakespeare. In much more recent news, we may have discovered Shakespeare's personal dictionary - how cool is that? For a better look at it, check out Shakespeare's Beehive. Today is also, er, that anniversary of his death, at 52 years old.

You can also take a quiz to see which Shakespearean hero - or heroine - you are.  (I got Beatrice. I'm not surprised.)

In addition, tonight is World Book Night! If I could, I would give you all a book. I can't. Sorry. But I can link you to Shakespeare's Sonnets, which is almost as good!

Happy reading, everyone!



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