Happy Earth Day!

Today is Earth Day! If you don't do anything else today to celebrate, you should at least check out the history and see what's going on across the world. And don't forget to check out the Google Doodle - it's really cute. Also, check out some ways you can celebrate Earth Day everyday!

I completely forgot about Earth Day, of course. But I have been going flower-crazy the last few days. I've planted hydrangeas (and they've perked up just fine, thank you). I've also gotten a sprig of bay leaf and a rose cutting, and I'm trying to get them to root. I have high hopes for the bay, anyway.

I've been very concerned about bees for a long time, now, and I'm doing my part, if only accidentally. Turns out my candy corn vine is very attractive for bees! Hooray! If you're planing anything today, maybe plant some bee-friendly flowers, as well! Heck, if you can, go all out and make a bee-friendly garden!


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