Links Today
It's been an up-and-down sort of day; I got my new phone battery in the mail, but the dishwasher also broke. Mostly, I just read - so, all in all, not a bad day. Links! Libraries, Books, & Writers Obama to Dems: 'Get informed, not by reading the Huffington Post' Of course, it'd help if TPP was available to read . How does he expect Congress to "get informed?" HuffPo and others are reporting on the information they have - leaked documents - because TPP is shrouded in secrecy; Congress is basically being pushed to approve something they've never read simply on the say-so of those who stand to benefit from restricting our rights. Psht.Not your best moment, Mr. President. Not directly about libraries, but librarians and library associations globally are very concerned about TPP . As we all should be. The New York Public Library Is Using Old Maps To Create A Time Machine Of The City Other Little Free Libraries could be ordered to cease ...