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- Libraries, Books, & Authors
- Brothers Grimm-Inspired Fairytale Landscapes By Kilian Schönberger Absolutely gorgeous!
- The Top 10 Ways Your Library Can Help You Keep Your New Year's Resolution
- Working Poor Challenged in Highland Park ISD
- Superior School District Refuses to Pull Book from Classrooms
- Plans for New Barnard Library Prove Divisive "Many of the librarians who spoke to LJ on the subject described being left out of the decision-making process as one symptom of a pervasive lack of respect for librarians in academia. As the former BLAIS librarian said, 'Stepping back from this a little bit, I don’t necessarily see this as something that’s unique to Barnard at all. For me it’s a much larger conversation about advocating for the profession.'"
- Cory Doctorow: A New Deal for Copyright "Last November, I published a book-length essay about how copyright is failing to serve artists, and how it has come to present a clear and present danger to wider society. The book is called Information Doesn't Want to Be Free, and it is composed of three snappy arguments (along with forewords by Amanda Palmer and Neil Gaiman) which I will summarize snappily..."
- Using Graphic Novels in Education: The Misadventures of Salem Hyde
- Net & Tech
- The NSA's favorite anti-privacy law, CISPA, is back. "CISPA is a law that would give the NSA even more access to our data and let big corporations off the hook when they violate our privacy. And Congress is trying to pass it again." Sign the petition to stop the new CISPA!
- Science
- The Speed Of Light Can Vary In A Vacuum
- New amazing metal is so hydrophobic it makes water bounce like magic
- Giant Tortoises Make An Adorable Comeback In The Galapagos
- Doomsday Clock Moves Closer To Midnight, But Can We Really Predict The End Of The World?
- International
- Beard of Egypt's King Tut hastily glued back on with epoxy "'Unfortunately he used a very irreversible material — epoxy has a very high property for attaching and is used on metal or stone but I think it wasn't suitable for an outstanding object like Tutankhamun's golden mask,' one conservator said. 'The mask should have been taken to the conservation lab but they were in a rush to get it displayed quickly again and used this quick drying, irreversible material,' the conservator added. The conservator said that the mask now shows a gap between the face and the beard, whereas before it was directly attached: 'Now you can see a layer of transparent yellow.' Another museum conservator, who was present at the time of the repair, said that epoxy had dried on the face of the boy king's mask and that a colleague used a spatula to remove it, leaving scratches. The first conservator, who inspects the artifact regularly, confirmed the scratches and said it was clear that they had been made by a tool used to scrape off the epoxy."
- Doodles with death: the brutal mistreatment of cartoonists in the Middle East "Russell points out that there is a double jeopardy for cartoonists drawing in non-or pseudo-democratic states: terrorist groups and ruling regimes alike 'are equal-opportunity oppressors', in his eyes. 'It just depends who the cartoonist is bothering that day.'"
- Thai royalists threaten New Zealand to hand over lèse majesté suspect
- Other
- Billionaire At Davos Lectures Americans On Their 'Lifestyle Expectations' Maybe he should lead by example, hey?
- Hapless hero is left facing charges after he put Walmart shopper in choke-hold when he saw his legally concealed pistol "A vigilante who put a man in a choke hold without warning from behind when he saw him enter a Florida Wal-Mart with a concealed firearm has been charged with battery. Michael Foster, who is white, decided to take the law into his own hands on Tuesday morning and launched himself on Clarence Daniels, who is black, fearing a shooting. Foster, 43, was helped by other shoppers in the Brandon store, but when sheriff's arrived they discovered that 62-year-old Daniels possessed a permit for his gun and arrested the would-be hero."
- I Was Arrested for Learning a Foreign Language. Today, I Have Some Closure. "Five years ago, the Philadelphia police thought that carrying Arabic-language flashcards was enough to warrant the arrest of an innocent traveler. A settlement reached today in a lawsuit I brought against the police department makes it clear that it is not."
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