Links Again...
- Libraries, Books, Writers, & Suchlike
- Anti-pornography activist creates attack ad against Niles library trustee And, of course, misrepresents the situation entirely.
- Scott Bonner awarded the Lemony Snicket Prize for Noble Librarians Faced with Adversity "On August 9, 2014, the shooting of unarmed teenager Mike Brown by police officer Darren Wilson in Ferguson, Missouri set off a string of protests, demonstrations, riots, civil unrest, arson and violence. But in the middle of this climate of fear—where local disruptions caused businesses to board up their windows and delayed the start of the school year for the 12,000 youth in the Ferguson-Florissant School District— the Ferguson Public Library remained open and engaged, thanks to Bonner and the absolutely vital and tireless work of every member of his staff ."
- School cuts have decimated librarians "In 1991, there were 176 certified librarians in city schools. Now there are 11 - for 218 schools."
- Joanne Harris condemns Clean Reader app for replacing swear words in novels
- Julie Andrews to publish a new memoir
- Health & Science
- World Tuberculosis Day 2015: Facts about the epidemic which kills 1.5 million a year
- Thanks To Obamacare, Hospitals Saved More Than $7 Billion Last Year
- California to Insurers: Don’t Use Workers’ Comp Law to Deny Approved Care
- Global warming is now slowing down the circulation of the oceans — with potentially dire consequences
- Portland installs turbines in their city water pipes, powers city by flushing toilets
- Costa Rica Has Only Used Renewable Energy For Electricity This Year
- Amy's Kitchen recalls frozen meals with spinach, citing Listeria concern
- Education
- Other (Serious Stuff)
- Gov. Jindal’s Implosion "In the latest CNN/ORC poll of Republicans and independents who lean Republican, only 1 percent said that he was the candidate they would most likely support for the Republican nomination. Even 'none/no one' got 6 percent."
- Missouri Lawmakers Think Welfare Recipients Waste Money on Fish, Steak and Porn
- 12-Year-Old Tried To Kill Mom With Bleach For Taking Away Her iPhone That's creepy.
- Debra Milke, who spent 22 years on Arizona death row, has murder case tossed
- George Zimmerman Compares Himself To Anne Frank, Says Obama Victimized Him
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