Happy St. George's Day!
Today is St. George's Day! Google has an awesome Doodle for today:
Sadly, it's only available in the U.K. Why? I like St. George, too!
Completely unrelated* to St. George:
Links! (Wow - there's a lot of them today...)
Sadly, it's only available in the U.K. Why? I like St. George, too!
Completely unrelated* to St. George:
- You can't read this "If the American people would be opposed to a trade agreement if they saw it, then that agreement should not become the law of the United States." Warren ain't wrong! Let Congress know - this is a government of and for the people, and we don't want laws enacted without the people's input! Related: The White House’s 10 Big Lies To Congress About The TPP
Links! (Wow - there's a lot of them today...)
- Libraries, Books, Writers, & Suchlike
- Happy World Book Night! I plan to celebrate by...well, reading a lot, but I do that every night, so...
- Falls Church Library Receives $250,000 Bequest from Longtime Patron
- New York Public Library’s Renovation Plans Advance
- 'Lovelace And Babbage' Is A Thrilling Adventure
- DC Is Launching Superheros for Girls 2015 Yay! But there is one problem..."Just For Girls?" How Gender Divisions Trickle Down "All the toxicity between the gender divide? It starts here. It starts when they're kids. It begins when you say, 'LOOK, THERE'S THE GIRL STUFF FOR THE GIRLS OVER THERE, AND THE BOY STUFF FOR THE BOYS OVER HERE.'...DC Comics making comics about girls isn't the problem. DC Comics telling us those comics are 'just for girls' is."
- April 23, 1564: William Shakespeare born! Most likely. He died on the same day in 1616. I prefer his sonnets to his plays, myself.
- The Digital Future: How Museums Measure Up
- Here Are 79 Words You’ve Been Saying Wrong the Whole Time Hey, DH: 5:20. HA! I was right.
- Net & Tech
- Comcast Plans to Drop Time Warner Cable Deal Good news!
- The Net Neutrality Saga: A Long-Expected Journey Related: Public Knowledge wants to help defend Internet rules in court
- The Gloriously Inane First YouTube Video Was Uploaded 10 Years Ago Today Related: YouTube marks 10 years of uploads with new studios for filmmakers - A Decade of YouTube Has Changed the Future of Television - YouTube is 10 years old. Here’s how it has changed politics forever.
- Nikola Tesla May Be Dead, But He’s Still Providing Wi-Fi to Silicon Valley
- Health & Science
- Bees Prefer Nectar Laced with Pesticides That's really, really bad for them - and for us.
- Pseudoscience in the Witness Box "The FBI faked an entire field of forensic science." The worse of it is that several of the people convicted through such fakery have been executed or have died in prison.
- What happened to the oil from the Deepwater Horizon spill? ‘Marine snow’ provides a clue
- Unburnable Carbon: Why We Need To Leave Fossil Fuels In The Ground
- Authority Issues
- Sheriff Arpaio's attorney quits during contempt hearing, former staff turn on the sheriff
- Deputy who fired gun instead of taser was investigated in 2009 "Dan Smolen, the attorney for Eric Harris, says if the findings had been acted on in 2009 Harris might still be alive."
- Stingray Uber Alles! St. Louis Cops Drop Case Against Robbery Suspects Rather Than Discuss Use Of IMSI Catcher
- DEA Also Spending Millions To Purchase Exploits And Spyware
- Education
- Student Course Evaluations Get An 'F' Related: Needs Improvement "Student evaluations of professors aren’t just biased and absurd—they don’t even work."
- Abuses at Corinthian Are Mirrored at Other Big For-Profit Colleges
- International
- Other (Serious Stuff)
- Senate Confirms Loretta Lynch As Attorney General
- I am a cook in the US Senate but I still need food stamps to feed my children "...[E]ven though I work seven days a week – putting in 70 hours between my two jobs – I can’t manage to pay the rent, buy school supplies for my kids or even put food on the table. I hate to admit it, but I have to use food stamps so that my kids don’t go to bed hungry." Related: The homeless man who works in the Senate "His case is, he knows, atypical. But he says his story illustrates the limited choices and daily instability facing low-wage workers, including those lucky enough to work full time and those lucky enough to work in what, to outsiders, looks like a cushy government job."
- Anger Towards the Rich "I don't want to be angry at rich people. But they make it very difficult. I know those ladies mean well--they're at a local business, after all--but clearly they don't understand what my life is like....This has to change, this obscene inequality. As a society we surely can't take much more."
- Let Them Eat Privilege "By substituting class relations for an arbitrary list of “privileges,” Vox is attempting to paint a picture of an immiserated America with no villain. It's an America without a ruling class that directly and materially benefits from everyone else’s hard times. And this omission isn't just incorrect — it robs us of any meaningful oppositional politics that could change it all."
- Minimum pay of $70,000 good for business, CEO finds "While Price is cutting his own pay, most chief executives are continuing to see hefty compensation hikes. CEO pay rose more quickly in 2014 than in other recent years, with median compensation rising 6.9 percent to $12.2 million, according to The Wall Street Journal. Meanwhile, American workers have been suffering from stagnating and, in some cases, declining wages."
- Fox News & Sarah Palin Denounced In Stunning Earth Day Video (36M Views):
- Other (Fun Stuff)
- Clockmaker John Harrison vindicated 250 years after ‘absurd’ claims
- 6 Famous Documentaries That Were Shockingly Full of Crap Seriously, guys, you have to corroborate information.
- 5 Favorite Louisiana Foods Taste Tested By Californians "I can see why they're so happy there. And they have parades for everything." Yep.
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