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Officially on my Asshats List: Rand Paul.
Rand Paul's bill would overturn US net neutrality rules
Rand Paul's bill would overturn US net neutrality rules
- Libraries, Books, Writers, & Suchlike
- Public libraries to offer digital early literacy tools
- How UK Journalism Explains Baltimore Riots Better Than American Media
- eBook Sales Down 10.2% in January 2015 Book sales overall, though, were up.
- The Plan To Give E-Books To Poor Kids "If there's a fly in the ointment, it's one little letter: e. Publishers aren't giving kids a quarter-of-a-billion dollars worth of free books. They're free e-books. Which require two things: A good Internet connection — at least at school if not at home — and some sort of device to read them." It'd be better to give them print books, honestly, or - hey, here's an idea - increase funding to libraries and encourage updated neighborhood bookmobile programs, especially for low-income urban communities.
- Sexism in science: Peer editor tells female researchers their study needs a male author Honestly, I thought this was from The Onion - but, no, it's real. "(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻"
- 110 Drawings and Paintings by J.R.R. Tolkien: Of Middle-Earth and Beyond
- Net & Tech
- For vast majority of seniors who own one, a smartphone equals ‘freedom’
- Was Ebony Dickens' Facebook Post Criminal?
- Congressman with computer science degree: Encryption back-doors are ‘technologically stupid’
- WH stops short of veto threat on 'clean' Patriot Act renewal Booooo...
- NSA reform bill moves to House floor Yay!
- Legislators Introduce Student Digital Privacy Bill
- Putting brakes on big brother
- Does the digital era herald the end of history?
- Grooveshark is dead Sadness...
- Health & Science
- 3D Printed Implants Save The Lives Of 3 Babies
- Rubella Has Officially Been Eradicated From The Americas
- Why Are Some People Left-Handed? Turns out, it's NOT the devil in them!
- Audi’s E-Diesel "...[P]rocesses such as this are not a source of energy or fuel, they are simply an energy storage medium. Saying that fuel is made from 'carbon dioxide and water,' while not wrong, is incomplete and fosters a fundamental misunderstanding of what is going on."
- Why Not Start Addiction Treatment Right In The ER? "Like asthma or diabetes, opioid addiction is a chronic condition. Could starting treatment for addiction in the ER get someone on right road faster? Doctors at Yale University thought it was possible."
- Why this U.S. doctor is moving to Canada
- 9 Animal "Facts" Everyone Gets Wrong
- Former NASA Engineer Plans To Plant 1 Billion Trees A Year Using Drones
- Major hurricane 'drought' for U.S.? Yes, researchers say
- International
- Authority Issues
- Florida Cops Accuse Restaurant Cooks of Spitting in Their Food "Yeah, just one problem: there’s a compelling lack of something called 'evidence.'"
- OPD Officer Peter Delio used excessive force in 2014 arrest, probe finds
- Father of black Detroit youth shot by ICE agent: “They brought my son down the stairs and executed him in my face”
- Report: Freddie Gray sustained injury in back of police van Seems awfully suspicious, to me...
- Baltimore Radio Host Airs Outlandish Theories About Freddie Gray
- Baltimore Protesters Go Free as Arrest Paperwork Backs Up
- Eyewitnesses: The Baltimore Riots Didn't Start the Way You Think "Baltimore teachers and parents tell a different story from the one you've been reading in the media."
- Other (Serious Stuff)
- Bernie Sanders: 'I am running in this election to win' Related: What does Bernie Sanders believe? Where the candidate stands on 10 issues
- My injured father lay freezing for hours when his 911 call didn’t go through. Here’s how I’m fixing 911.
- Another Big Tobacco Bond Deal, Cajun Style "Gov. Bobby Jindal, a potential GOP presidential candidate, is scrambling to deal with a $1.6 billion hole in his next budget. Now, over the opposition of the state's treasurer, Jindal has lined up a $750 million deal to borrow against future income from the state's share of a 1998 legal settlement with cigarette makers." Dang it, Jindal...
- Other (Fun Stuff)
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