81 years ago, Colonel Robert Wilson took a picture of Nessie, the Loch Ness Monster. Maybe. Or maybe it was a hoax.
Whatever - today's Google Doodle marks the date, although the artist obviously believes it to be a hoax.
Anyway, if you're interested, you can join the search for Nessie using Google Street View! Honestly, I don't actually think I'll see Nessie - but the Scottish Highlands are certainly gorgeous.
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Hello, Nessie! |
Whatever - today's Google Doodle marks the date, although the artist obviously believes it to be a hoax.
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Aliens. It's always aliens. |
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- Disordered Thinking "Insisting on the existence of something that demonstrably does not exist – and remember, this is hardly the kind of thing that could be hidden from view as most conspiracy theories can conveniently claim – is neither a fact, nor a belief, nor an opinion. It is a delusion, defined as 'an erroneous belief held despite strong, indisputable evidence to the contrary.' Delusions are a sign of, at best, mental fatigue or confusion. In most cases they are an indicator of something much more serious." Related: Islamic Extremists Have Seized Control Of U.S. Cities, Says NRA Seminar
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- How AeroPress Fans Are Hacking Their Way To A Better Cup Of Coffee I can't oversell the AeroPress, really - it honestly makes the best coffee I've ever had, except for the coffee I had in Nicaragua, and the extenuating circumstances there are pretty hard to beat. I mean, I was staying at a community where coffee was grown, harvested, roasted, and made unbelievably fresh every day. I can only daydream about using an AeroPress under those circumstances - I think that might be my idea of Heaven, as long as I have a library there, too. ANYWAY! I think I'll have to try some of these guys' techniques and see how much better my coffee can be. Also, it might be my new go-to wedding present, idk.
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