- Libraries, Books, Writers, & Suchlike
- Academic publishers reap huge profits as libraries go broke
- You probably remember my rant the other day over this: Student protests graphic novels by Gaiman and Bechdel as 'garbage'. Good news! College declines student’s request to ban ‘Persepolis,’ ‘Sandman’ In the first article I linked, though, I found one section interesting - "Shultz, 20, was joined in the protest by her parents. Her father, Greg Shultz, said, 'If they [had] put a disclaimer on this, we wouldn’t have taken the course.'" "We" - really? Is the dad enrolled in the class, too? The student is 20 years old - I have to ask again, why are her parents involved in this at all? And the prof now has to provide a "content warning" on his class. Why don't we just slap one on higher education entirely? "Warning: The Contents of This Education (If Done Right) Will Make You Think - and May Be Hazardous to Your Preconceived Notions"
- Reading Well Books on Prescription evidence base "There is strong evidence that self-help reading can help people with common mental health conditions, such as anxiety and depression, sometimes on its own or with other forms of treatment. We have several strong case studies showing the impact of Books on Prescription on individuals." Related: Reading for Stress Relief "Reading can be a wonderful (and healthy) escape from the stress of everyday life. Simply by opening a book, you allow yourself to be invited into a literary world that distracts you from your daily stressors. Reading can even relax your body by lowering your heart rate and easing the tension in your muscles. A 2009 study at the University of Sussex found that reading can reduce stress by up to 68%. It works better and faster than other relaxation methods, such as listening to music or drinking a hot cup of tea."
- Neil Gaiman’s ‘American Gods’ Greenlit By Starz I'm so excited!
- Net & Tech
- What does Cavada want the future of copyright to look like? Related: The New Link Censorship Plan "Key lawmakers are about to vote on a restrictive 'link tax' scheme. This backwards censorship plan is being pushed by a politician named Jean-Marie Cavada."
- Why is it important to fight for your Internet rights? The internet is the answer to all the questions of our time
- Cardinals Face F.B.I. Inquiry in Hacking of Astros’ Database
- Health & Science
- U.S. Bans Trans Fat "Artificial trans fat will be removed from the U.S. food supply over the next three years under a ruling by regulators that the products pose health risks that contribute to heart disease."
- Food flavor safety system a ‘black box’
- Messages to the future about climate change impacts and actions " imagines the future through the eyes of our children. When asked, 'What did you do about climate change?' What will you say?"
- Do Animals Laugh? Tickle Experiments Suggest They Do "So far, apes and rats are the only known animals to get the giggles."
- Education
- Authority Issues
- International
- In the Dominican Republic, suddenly stateless "Dominicans born after 1929 to parents who are not of Dominican ancestry are to have their citizenship revoked. The ruling affects an estimated 250,000 Dominican people of Haitian descent, including many who have had no personal connection with Haiti for several generations."
- Other (Serious Stuff)
- Iowa open-carry nut gunned down mall worker who filed sexual harassment complaints against him
- Humanity’s Most Problematic Attempts to Get All the Water
- A Thirsty Colorado Is Battling Over Who Owns Raindrops Related: End of the Miracle Machines: Inside the Power Plant Fueling America’s Drought
- Former US Attorney General Files Brief in Lawsuit Challenging Legality of Iraq War
- America is feeling the Bern: Bernie Sanders draws overflow crowds — and surges in the polls Related: Bernie Sanders 'Stunned' By Large Crowds Showing Up For Him
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