Want to Read the TPP?
- Libraries, Books, Writers, & Suchlike
- Two missing artworks found at Boston Public Library "The two valuable artworks missing from the Boston Public Library have been found at the library — about 80 feet from where they should have been filed."
- Why Do Presidents Get Their own Libraries?
- Are you there, world? It's Judy Blume, with 'In the Unlikely Event' "Judy Blume says her current book tour will be her last."
- Henry VIII's evidence to support break with Rome turns up in Cornish library
- Why Books Are Comforting to Anxious People
- Busybodies Among the Young "The argument, such that it is, seems to be that any YA novels with swearing or sex is bad because she doesn’t like them and they make her feel uncomfortable and the world and libraries would be better off if they didn’t have books like that so she would never have to run across one accidentally...That’s one reason libraries are an intellectual breath of fresh air. Within certain limits, people can read what they like as long as they don’t return books with peanut butter smeared on the pages."
- Need a book and can't leave the house? (What? Maybe I don't want to change out of my pajamas.) 700 Free eBooks for iPad, Kindle & Other Devices
- Health & Science
- Single Therapy Session Cures 73% Of Insomniacs
- South Korea shuts down primary schools as spread of MERS alarms public
- Drugs for Depression and Heart Disease Find a New Calling: Fighting Ebola
- Student Confirms That There Are Enormous Tubes Of Plasma Floating Above The Earth
- Large Hadron Collider is back to change our understanding of the universe … again It makes me very happy that scientists are just taking things and smashing them together to see what happens. It makes me feel science is something I can understand. I, too, like to smash things together sometimes. Usually, though, it just ends with broken bits of things, and not anything new that helps further my understanding of existence.
- Science Facts Behind Dr Who Sonic Screwdriver Are Even More Exciting Than Fiction
- Education
- School Kitchen Manager Fired For Giving Lunches To Students Without Money In Colorado "An elementary school kitchen worker was fired by a Colorado school district after she gave free lunches to kids who didn't have the money to buy them -- and she says she'd do it again."
- More Evidence That Active Learning Trumps Lecturing
- In more hopeful news: Baltimore Schools Will Give Free Meals To All Kids
- Charter schools misspend millions of Ohio tax dollars as efforts to police them are privatized
- Honor society dress mess rages on in Lee, beyond "Cameron won a coveted election for NHS historian for Lee County in early May and within an hour had been stripped of the title — because of what she was wearing — a spaghetti-strap style sundress." If I lived in Florida, I'd be wearing sundresses, too! How ridiculous...
- I'm a liberal professor, and my liberal students terrify me This is an excellent article, with frightening implications for society, as well as the present and future of higher education.
- Authority Issues
- The Counted: People killed by police in the US Related: Democratic senators introduce bill requiring police to report all police shootings to DOJ
- Coroner: Student's death in police custody a homicide
- Other (Serious Stuff)
- How the Red Cross Raised Half a Billion Dollars for Haiti and Built Six Homes
- Lawsuit seeks to stop government from suspending disability payments to hundreds in Eastern Kentucky
- These Are the 6 Bold Ideas Fueling Bernie Sanders' "Political Revolution"
- Scott Walker’s Baffling War On Bikes "Though they have been hesitant...to consider boosting taxes on gasoline or vehicle registration fees, state lawmakers have been pushing a $25 tax on the sale of all new bicycles in the state, on top of the existing sales tax...In addition to floating the new bike tax, the budget currently under consideration would repeal the state’s 'Complete Streets' law. The policy, which mandates that all new road construction and repairs take cyclists and pedestrians into consideration, makes up only about $190,000, or six-one-thousandths of one percent of the total transportation budget, according to the non-partisan Legislative Fiscal Bureau. They are also considering gutting millions of dollars from two additional bike infrastructure efforts: the Knowles-Nelson Stewardship Fund, which provides matching grants for creating and maintaining trails, and Transportation Alternatives, which funds the creation of routes for children to safely bike to school, among other initiatives." Craziness...Did Walker have a bad fall off his bike as a child?
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