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- Libraries, Books, Writers, & Suchlike
- The heartbreaking farewell: the world's greatest sports library checks out
- Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library Program Donates Books To Children To Promote Literacy
- As Islamic State group threatens its history, Iraq moves to digitize its national library
- Japanese school board bans acclaimed anti-war manga
- Children's Books Set in Libraries
- Associated Press sues FBI over fake news story
- Health, Science, Net, & Tech
- Facebook Goes Nuclear On The Messaging War With Its M Assistant
- Father accused of robbing South Lyon Vibe Credit Union to pay for daughter's cancer treatments
- NASA: Sea level rise could be worse than we thought Related: Your life on earth "How you and the world have changed since you were born."
- Tesla's New Car Is So Good, It Literally Broke the Consumer Reports Scale
- Education
- Politics
- Jindal tells Obama it's a mistake to talk about climate change during New Orleans visit We live in an area that is sinking, at a time when ocean levels are only rising faster - why would you not talk about climate change??
- Donald Trump mocks Asians with broken English while speaking about China, Japan relations at campaign rally
- Exactly What Kind Of Socialist Is Bernie Sanders?
- Louisiana
- 5-foot shark caught in Lake Pontchartrain, St. Tammany officials say As if alligators weren't enough to worry about. Well, at least the sharks don't come out to play, right? Right?
- Feds’ cyberbullying reverses cops’ convictions for shooting unarmed people
- Other (Serious Stuff)
- Tobacco Industry's Interest In Trade Negotiations? Totally Redacted "This matters, because the tobacco industry is one of the major abusers of trade agreements, repeatedly making use of the 'corporate sovereignty' ISDS provisions to effectively sue any country passing anti-smoking health laws..."
- Slain Reporter's Father Demands 'Coward' Politicians Take Up Gun Control
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