Be Free, My Pretties!

This post was prompted by this excellent article: Does Free Software Restore Dignity?

Of course, libraries across the U.S. have been getting more involved with integrating open source and free software. Open source ILSs, like Evergreen and Koha are becoming more popular, although I've yet to work for a library using either of them (or another open source ILS). There are lists like, "Open-Source Software for Libraries" and "Open Source Software" from Library Success: A Best Practices Wiki, that are great for libraries moving to open source and free software to cut costs and/or gain more control over their systems than proprietary and commercial software allows.

This is all great! I wish more libraries would move towards using open source and free software for their systems. I know that there are some obstacles - mostly involving having staff who can manage those systems and/or use them on a daily basis, but there are also issues of compatibility with various programs and such. Still, I think it's the direction libraries ought to be heading. I mentioned that in my paper.

Now, people, I am not going to write another paper until I can stop cannibalizing that one. Here's what I mean:

"[L]ibraries should use (and encourage the use of) open source and open access resources." (53)

Great! Libraries are, more often, starting to integrate open source and free software. But what are libraries doing to encourage patrons to use similar resources?

Of course, the first question is why people should use free software. And that means looking at what it means that it's free.

  1. It doesn't cost anything. That's the first and obvious point. Not everyone can afford all the software they want or need, which encourages a widening of the digital divide. Those who know how to use technology - hardware and software - have a distinct advantage over those who don't. Most businesses and schools will require the use of proprietary, commercial software, of course, but knowing how to use one program makes it much easier to adapt to a similar program - much easier than learning from scratch on the fly. Hardware doesn't often cost much; free software greatly increases the chances for underprivileged individuals to succeed in an increasingly digital world.
  2. It's educational.  Kids and teens, especially, might benefit from playing around with code - it teaches a logical, hierarchical way of thinking that can help with everything from philosophy to science; it teaches a beauty of form (I'm a huge fan of good nesting) that is pure art; it will, at the very least, ensure that, when something goes wrong with a program, the person will know what's happening, rather than yelling at the Magic Computing Box. Even if the kid doesn't grow up to be a programmer, he or she will at least appreciate what programmers do. Not that kids are the only ones who can learn - I'm not a kid anymore (I'm not saying how old I am), but I've just gotten started learning. With proprietary software, however, you can only learn how to manipulate the GUI - you can't access the underlying code (not legally, anyway). (Some have argued, quite persuasively, in my opinion, that schools should use free software exclusively.)
  3. It's adaptable. While you don't have to play with the code to use the software, you can,  and it can be a lot of fun. While you're playing, you actually learn how the programs work; then you can make them work exactly how you want them to work. You can add elements that are missing for your purposes, or take away elements that you don't need. Proprietary software doesn't allow changes to the code.
  4. It's easy to share - and sharing is encouraged. Without changing the code, you can give the software away to friends, family, or complete strangers, and share the joy. Change the code, and give it back to the community, and there's more joy to go around! "Stealing" code, adapting code, and releasing it back to the group is not only allowed with free software, it's highly encouraged. Not so with proprietary software. So, the "free" part of free software isn't just a price issue, it's a a matter of personal, artistic license and a commitment to the common good, rather than profit.
For all these reasons (and probably many more - feel free to add your own thoughts in the comments), I think free software is wonderful. They also suggest why libraries should be involved in using and pushing free software. Librarians are sort of geeky about increasing information access, bridging the digital divide, encouraging self-education, and fostering an environment where new knowledge is created and shared for the good of all the community. 

It wouldn't take a lot to offer free software, either. Shapiro recommended loaning Chromium USB drives - that would provide patrons the opportunity to try a free operating system. It would also be a great way to stay sane if your laptop's hard drive goes bad, since the OS runs off the USB drive. I'm a fan of Ubuntu, another Linux-based system, but the great part of the whole thing is that you can find the version that suits you - or build a better one. The role of libraries should be to get people hooked on the possibilities. Library websites could easily, at the very least, link to sites like and The Free Software Directory.

And imagine the variety of programs libraries could offer - to kids, parents, teens, small business owners, the elderly, independent artists and musicians...what patron group wouldn't benefit?

This ended up being longer than I thought it would, so I'll stop here and wait for comments...



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