Love is All You Need
Today is also, appropriately, Library Lovers Day!
The entire month of February is actually Library Lovers Month, but I suppose today is the "heart" of the whole holiday season! (I make no apologies for my terrible sense of humor.) How do you love the library? You should tell the world. And, of course, the library will always love you back.
Here are some fun book-love links:
- What Your Book Crush Says About You: Oh, Benedick...
- What's Your Love Story? (INFOGRAPHIC): I adore The Princess Bride!
- These 9 Famous Writers Can Teach You More About Love Than Any Hallmark Card Ever Could
- Community Divided Over The House of Spirits as Final Banning Decision Draws Near: While we're focusing on love today, let's pause to remember that loving our kids does not mean sheltering them from all that's bad in the world and then kicking them out into it unprepared when they're 18. Books - particularly nonfiction, autobiographical works like The House of Spirits and Persepolis - can be emotionally difficult to read, yet they are important for encouraging kids to think about atrocity and develop sympathy for victims, as well as consider how they can and should work to make the world a better place. Do we want our kids to experience such things? Of course not! Is it important that our kids realize these things happen and are ready for the world beyond our front doors? Absolutely.
- How much would you pay for one movie? Why People In Alaska Can't Watch Netflix Without Fearing A $100 Surcharge. This is what the end of net neutrality could mean for us all. The Comcast-Time Warner Cable deal is a bad sign. Let's hope the FCC moves quickly. Library organizations are pulling together to try and restore the Open Internet.
- Check out the 100,000 Homes Campaign! Here's a great little video about it.
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