Tax Season is Open Season on Librarians, Isn't It?
"Faux Nom Library. How ca-"
"You got the tax forms yet??"
"I'm sorry, no, we do not."
"Aw, $#!+."
Nope, not here yet... |
This has been my morning, so far. Well, it actually started when I opened the doors of the library precisely at 9:00 a.m., to be literally shoved aside by Rude Lady shouting, "It's about time!" She and a Herd of something like twenty people rushed into the reference section; one elderly patron stopped and asked where the Tax Help People were - I explained where to find them, but also that they wouldn't arrive until 10:00. Then the Herd came back, with Rude Lady still in the lead position.
"Tax people?!"
"They won't actually be here until 10:00, I'm afraid."
"Just tell me where they'll be!"
One Garrulous Gentleman extended the typical phone conversation by a couple minutes, explaining that he would be contacting my manager to complain that I don't know when the tax forms will be in, and I ought to know because I work for the G*%D@%^ LIBERRY!
I'm going to need more coffee.
- Speaking of crazy patrons, this one wants to remind us all that the 'Library is not a baby-sitting service.' I'm usually all on board with that statement. The problem is that, in this particular case, the patron is complaining about teens (who are more usually the ones doing the babysitting), and that the teens aren't actually causing any problems, other than taking up seats, apparently. Er...I'm all for teens hanging out at the library. Just to make that, you know, official.
- Here's a thought-provoking article on the past and future of Dar al-Kutub Bab al-Khalq manuscript museum, which was damaged in the bombing in Egypt on January 24.
- Want more girls in programming? Maybe we should change the approach. Girls and Software. I have to admit, I'm guilty of this, too - of wanting my daughter to be pretty, and trying to justify why that's important. But I do hope she learns and enjoys programming.
- Well, I'm more "disappointed" than "surprised" - The NSA’s Secret Role in the U.S. Assassination Program
- Some of you are probably wondering why the big fuss over the end of net neutrality led to apparently nothing. Well, that's because the ISPs are being sneaky. AT&T is Quietly Plotting to Jack Up Your Internet Costs
- Have something you want to ask your politician? You can.
I would have needed an extra dose of my blood pressure medication and alcohol to deal with the rudeness without telling some of those people off. I think that makes you the better person. :-)