My Favorite Little Punk

Coconut decided he wanted to be a punk (his words, even) and asked us to give him a mohawk. Cutest little punk ever! I couldn't be prouder. I'm considering dying his mohawk green for Mardi Gras.
He's also the sweetest little punk ever. I took him with me today to get Valentine's stuff for the kids. I let him pick out some stuff for himself, but he was much more interested in looking for stuff for his sister and for me. While we were going through the line, a guy asked if he could have a single pack from the box of Fun Dip we were getting - he was supposed to get one, and couldn't find them, and didn't want to go back through the store. I asked Coconut, since it was his candy, and he said, "Sure!" What a sweetheart.
Here's my Thursday Throwback picture - me, in college, with my own head buzzed.
- Is This The Most Racist Pastor In America? Just to be very, very clear: Donny Reagan of Happy Valley Church of Jesus Christ in Johnson City, TN might be the least Christian pastor in the U.S. In fact, his "Christianity" seems to be entirely based on the teachings of William Branham, an end-of-the-world cult preacher from the 1940's to the early 1960's, who was very unorthodox and whose teachings are not accepted by mainstream Christians of any denomination. (Perhaps his strangest teaching is that the Fall of Man occurred when Eve had sex with the Serpent, conceiving Cain; Cain, in turn, gave rise to civilization, which, I suppose, means civilization is evil.)
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- What has my favorite IRL cyborg been up to? Prosthetic Medic: I'm Back. If you aren't familiar with his story, start at the beginning.
- Corvids are smart. I love crows.
- Fun thoughts on lyrics: Pour some sugar on me
- For my medical friends - how cool is this?? Specialized Eyeglasses Make Cancer Glow Blue for Surgeons
- Prisons should not be Big Business: Pennsylvania judge sentenced to 28 years in prison for selling teens to prisons
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