Put It Down

I gave up.

And that's okay.

I was trying to read an author that several of my friends have read and liked. I won't say which author, but I will mention that it's a trendy author in a genre that I'm both familiar with and typically enjoy. As with many authors that have been recommended to me, I checked out three books: a book of short stories (usually a good introduction to any writer) and a couple of well-known books that everyone agreed were pretty awesome.

I didn't like them.

I read several of the short stories, and thought, "Meh. I don't get it. Maybe this guy's not a 'short story' kind of writer, though."

I tried to read one of the books. Guys, I really tried. I would set aside time to read, find a quiet spot (never easy with Swicky and Coconut around), and focus on the story. And just couldn't do it. It took me two weeks - two weeks! -  to read the first forty pages. Then I looked at how very, very much more I had to read, and almost wept. I picked up the second book, read the first page, and noped them  all straight back to the library.

Nope. Not doing that to myself.

I seldom quit on books, but - guys, sometimes you have to put it down.



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