Edge of Stability
This post is especially for my step-dad, who loves storms:
- Net & Tech
- Apple may check your credit card balance to show you products you can afford I don't know about you, but I think that's private information Apple doesn't really need to know.
- Education
- Why Emotional Learning May Be As Important As The ABCs
- The Beatings Will Continue Until Morale Improves "America is doubling down on a losing hand. Education reform policy is destined to fail because it is based on a fundamentally flawed understanding of human motivation."
- Testing Revolt In Washington State Brings Feds Into Uncharted Waters "On top of the mandate that schools and districts test their students, No Child Left Behind (NCLB) requires states to ensure 95 percent of students take the tests. In Washington, so many juniors skipped that the state's overall K-12 testing rate dipped below that threshold, to around 90 percent. This is likely the first time a state has fallen short, making it hard to know how the feds will respond. But state officials fear the U.S. Department of Education will penalize Washington, perhaps even cutting some of the $1 billion in federal education funding the state receives annually."
- Louisiana
- International
- Other (Serious Stuff)
- President Obama Heads to Prison in Pursuit of Criminal Justice Reform
- Less Than Zero "Despite decades of accepted science, California and Arizona are still miscounting their water supplies."
- Jeb Bush's Plan to Expand the Economy by Workers Putting in More Hours Is Based on a Lie "Although productivity has increased by 250 percent since 1948, worker pay and benefits have barely budged since the rise that was attained just before Ronald Reagan became president. These numbers directly debunk Jeb Bush's prescription for the economy."
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