Links, Because I Like You!
- Libraries, Books, Writers, & Suchlike
- Long-lost Dr. Seuss book hits stores next week Related: Dr. Seuss Book: Yes, They Found It in a Box
- A Novel Idea: Fostering Literacy by Eliminating Book Deserts
- The 10 Most Expensive Books in the World
- University In U.K. Finds Muhammad-Era Quran Pages Among Its Possessions
- Woman gets library card approved 73 years later
- Net & Tech
- The Web We Have to Save "The rich, diverse, free web that I loved — and spent years in an Iranian jail for — is dying. Why is nobody stopping it?"
- IRS "releases" CD of encrypted, completely redacted documents Trolls gotta troll, I guess?
- Why the Agriculture Department is giving out tens of millions of dollars for Internet access
- Health & Science
- Poverty's most insidious damage is to a child's brain
- Santa Barbara to spend $55 million on desalination plant as drought 'last resort'
- Education
- Charter schools are cheating your kids: New report reveals massive fraud, mismanagement, abuse
- How School Districts Seal Their Students Into Poverty
- How Should We Approach Education’s Digital Divide?
- Authority Issues
- Texas Releases Dashboard Video of Sandra Bland Arrest Related: Everything We Know About the Sandra Bland Case
- How Many Sandra Blands Are Out There? "The video of her arrest reveals a police officer abusing his authority—and might never have come to light if not for her tragic death."
- For all police officers - Gin and Tacos offers this Refresher Course: "There are two things every law enforcement officer in this country needs to have explained to them before they work another minute."
- NYPD accused of destroying evidence showing cops issued bogus summonses to meet quota
- Other (Serious Stuff)
- Anti-intellectualism Is Killing America I don't know if I posted this before; if so, it's still worth reading again, and, if not, it's definitely worth reading a first time.
- Who deserves to eat... "The only question I have is this: who deserves to eat? Only children who's parent pass a moral standard of some kind? Only people who are clean and pleasant? Only people who buy the food that you like? Because what it comes down to when anyone suggests that some people just don't deserve food is the question just who passes muster and gets your benevolent mercy? I believe in my heart of hearts that it doesn't matter if I like you, if you like me, if you are a moral person, if you are a criminal, or if you are going to eat the way that I think that you should, the only thing that really matters if you are hungry. If you are hungry, you deserve to eat."
- Road Hazard: How the ‘Embarrassing’ Gas Tax Impasse Explains Washington
- Other (Randomness)
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