- Libraries, Books, Writers, & Suchlike
- The State of America’s Libraries 2015
- How the NY Public Library Crowdsources Digital Innovation
- Judges Revive Claim that AT&T Overcharged Schools for Internet Service "For seven years, a Wisconsin telecom consultant has waged an unsuccessful legal fight against AT&T, alleging that the company long defrauded a federal program by overcharging the nation’s schools and libraries for Internet and telephone services. Now an appeals court in the District of Columbia has given new life to his case."
- July 23, 1888: Raymond Chandler is born "He published only seven novels, among them Farewell My Lovely (1946) and The Long Goodbye (1953), all featuring tough, cynical Detective Philip Marlowe. William Faulkner wrote the screen version of The Big Sleep, which starred Humphrey Bogart as Marlowe. Chandler also wrote Hollywood screenplays in the 1940s and early 1950s, including Double Indemnity (1949) and Strangers on a Train (1951)."
- Calling all Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett fans! We need your help!
- Health & Science
- New Eye Drops Can Dissolve Cataracts With No Need For Surgery
- 'Earth 2.0' found in Nasa Kepler telescope haul
- Education
- Louisiana
- 3 dead, several injured in La. theater shooting, officials say
- DHH Confirms Naegleria Fowleri Ameba in St. Bernard Parish Water System "Tap water in St. Bernard Parish is safe for residents to drink, but the Department urges residents to avoid getting water in their noses."
- Jay Dardenne demands Bobby Jindal reimburse Louisiana for state police protection on campaign trail "Dardenne is not the only elected official to complain about the costs Jindal has incurred. During the legislative session, lawmakers inserted budget language preventing payments for out-of-state travel expenses for Jindal's protection detail while campaigning, but the governor used his line item veto to restore the money.[...] Dardenne points out that Jindal has not taken the steps that his competitors for the GOP nomination have to avoid having taxpayers foot the bill. 'One of your competitors, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, started off his campaign by making sure the costs of his protective services detail while campaigning for President were reimbursed to the state by way of his 527 political organization, Our American Revival,' Dardenne wrote. 'I call upon you to follow Gov. Walker's lead and use your campaign funds to pay for this protective service expense and to reimburse Louisiana taxpayers for the hundreds of thousands of dollars your campaign for president is costing our state.'"
- International
- Authority Issues
- Questions About the Sandra Bland Case
- Man 'hogtied' by Mississippi police dies as wife alleges threats over hospital visit Just to check in: The Counted: people killed by police in the United States in 2015 Too many.
- Other (Serious Stuff)
- Why Congress Needs to Act on the New Bipartisan Bill to Keep Guns Out of the Hands of Abusers and Stalkers "From 2001 to 2012, more women in our country were shot to death by an intimate partner than the total number of American troops killed in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars combined. That is a national shame."
- Border patrol agents pull out of Trump event "[...] A union of border patrol agents says its members would not accompany him on his Thursday tour near the Texas-Mexico border, saying the event has become too politicized.[...] Border officials said they offer tours to any number of candidates and lawmakers. 'Our intentions to meet with Mr. Trump was to provide a "Boots on the Ground" perspective to not only Mr. Trump, but to the media that would be in attendance at this event,' Garza said in his statement."
- The clown show that was the Senate Iran hearing, in one tweet
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