Beautiful and Beautiful!

Two very exciting pieces of news today!

One: Ben Hatke is offering a Jolly Raffle Giveaway Contest for Julia's House for Lost Creatures!

"When Julia and her walking house come to town, she likes everything about her new neighborhood except how quiet it is! So Julia puts a sign up: “Julia’s House for Lost Creatures.” Soon she’s hosting goblins, mermaids, fairies, and even a dragon. Quiet isn’t a problem anymore for Julia…but getting her housemates to behave themselves is!" (Source)
I can't wait to read this book! I'm guessing it'll be a favorite for library storytimes, too - the pictures are gorgeous, and what child wouldn't  love a house full of friendly fairyland creatures?!

If you aren't familiar with Ben Hatke's work, go read some. Now. I recommend starting with the Zita the Spacegirl series. (Although Julia's House might overtake Zita as my favorite; I'll let you know!)

TwoThe FCC was forced to extend the deadline for user comments on net neutrality! We overwhelmed the FCC's site, so they're extending the deadline for our comments until Friday. You may or may not have noticed that I talk about net neutrality a lot. Join with Team Internet, higher education and libraries, education experts, Al Franken, me, and hundreds of thousands of other citizens - help save net neutrality!



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