Happy National Paperback Day!

First - Net Neutrality News: Reid Vows to Defend Net Neutrality From Republican Attacks "Reid's letter could reassure FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler that he has the political support he needs to ignore the Republican outcry and enact strong net-neutrality regulations."

Next - Happy National Paperback Day! On July 30, 1935, the first Penguin paperback was printed. I have to tell you, I read a lot of ebooks now, and I try to check out hardcover when I get books from the library, but when I buy a book, I almost always opt for paperback.  I'm one of those crazy people who read paperbacks carefully, though, carefully preparing the book and never bending it too much, so that the spine doesn't break. To celebrate, go get a paperback and read it (carefully), and/or check out The Most Iconic, Important Penguin Paperback Covers of All Time.



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