Happy National Paperback Day!
First - Net Neutrality News: Reid Vows to Defend Net Neutrality From Republican Attacks "Reid's letter could reassure FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler that he has the political support he needs to ignore the Republican outcry and enact strong net-neutrality regulations."
Next - Happy National Paperback Day! On July 30, 1935, the first Penguin paperback was printed. I have to tell you, I read a lot of ebooks now, and I try to check out hardcover when I get books from the library, but when I buy a book, I almost always opt for paperback. I'm one of those crazy people who read paperbacks carefully, though, carefully preparing the book and never bending it too much, so that the spine doesn't break. To celebrate, go get a paperback and read it (carefully), and/or check out The Most Iconic, Important Penguin Paperback Covers of All Time.
Next - Happy National Paperback Day! On July 30, 1935, the first Penguin paperback was printed. I have to tell you, I read a lot of ebooks now, and I try to check out hardcover when I get books from the library, but when I buy a book, I almost always opt for paperback. I'm one of those crazy people who read paperbacks carefully, though, carefully preparing the book and never bending it too much, so that the spine doesn't break. To celebrate, go get a paperback and read it (carefully), and/or check out The Most Iconic, Important Penguin Paperback Covers of All Time.
- Libraries, Books, & Authors
- ALA calls for immediate passage of USA Freedom Act of 2014
- What I Said When They Came for The Handmaid's Tale Awesome defense of one of my favorite books!
- Warren G. Harding’s Racy Love Letters Unsealed Oh, my...
- King’s touch: Elvis Presley’s library card fetches thousands at auction Some people like Elvis an awful lot. Related: Little Mamma
- The Creative Art of Selling a Book by Its Cover
- EPUB3 fixed layout eBooks live for public libraries via OverDrive Nice!
- Net & Tech
- ISPs tell government that congestion is “not a problem,” impose data caps anyway So why have data caps? To increase profit without providing any additional service.
- The Insidiousness of Facebook Messenger's Mobile App Terms of Service This gets pretty frightening. I don't think I'll be using this app, thanks.
- "Six Strikes" Anti-Piracy Scheme Costs 3 Million Per Year Wow, that's pricey...
- Science
- SpaceX Wants To Colonise The Solar System Within 100 Years
- New Fears About Ebola Spread After Plane Scare Related: Here’s What You Need to Know Now About the Ebola Crisis
- Two More Mysterious Siberian Craters Discovered That can't be good....
- “Quantum Cheshire Cat” Phenomenon Observed For The First Time Science is weird sometimes.
- Scientist Invents Ice Cream That Changes Color As You Lick It I have never been sadder that I can't have ice cream.
- Origins Of Mysterious World Trade Center Ship Determined
- Other
- Thai junta unamused by comedian John Oliver's royal jibes
- When You Want to Live Among Your Tribe Who wants to set up a book club community with me?
- Fewer high school kids smoking Awesome job, Kentucky! (Also, special hello to ELAH!)
- Religious post: So, Do You Believe in Evolution?
- This Artist Recreated His Childhood Doodles as Digital Illustrations 20 Years Later
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