It's a Rare Day...
I have nothing to say today. Let me think...nope. Nothing.
We'll just go straight to:
We'll just go straight to:
- The Decline of the American Book Lover - it's not all bad news, guys. In fact, it might be pretty hopeful!
- There was an interesting-at-first-glance survey about writers' incomes, but it seems to be a deeply flawed survey, as Chuck Wendig makes clear (as well as making fun of it - multitasking is cool).
- Two birthdays deserve mention today!
- First up: Happy birthday, Lord Byron! Most will remember "She Walks in Beauty," but, with my background in Biblical Studies, I'm partial to "The Destruction of Sennacherib." Of course, the Byronic Hero is alive and well in modern literature (and movies); if you don't know what a Byronic Hero is, you should go find out.
- Also: Happy birthday, John Hurt! Most recently famous as the War Doctor, he was also Ollivander in the Harry Potter movies and Kane in Alien. Remember Kane? He's this poor guy...
- Going back to Doctor Who - I LOVE the game Cards Against Humanity. Caution: it is not for kids. Or polite company. Anyway, imagine my delight when I discovered Cards Against Gallifrey! Also not for kids, or polite company - but pretty cool for Whovian de(re?)generates. (See what I did there? I will not apologize.)
- Even Austrailia's trees are evil and want to kill you.
- Elk River leak included another chemical - one that the public was not notified about, even when the first chemical story came out. And, yes, it's nasty. Joe Stanley is not surprised; he says chemical dumping interfering with the water supply has been going on for a long time.
- Does money make you mean? Yes - but there's good news, too.
- Student Rickrolls his teacher in this ingenious quantum physics essay: About half of you think this is awesome; the other half wish your students spent as much effort on their actual papers.
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