If you aren't familiar with Redditgifts, you should get on that. It's a lot of fun to play Secret Santa with strangers from around the country (or, if you can afford it, around the world)! I like it, anyway.
The gift exchange I'm currently participating in is a graphic novels exchange. I haven't shipped off the stuff for my match - I'm waiting for a couple more items to come in, so I can package them all up and ship them off, but that's okay, I've got until September 5.
But! I got my present today. And it is cool!
It's actually the first volume of a comic book collection, and I think DH will go nuts when I start buying the rest. (Sorry! I promise to only buy, like, one volume a month?) The comic is called Chew:
How awesome is that?!
The gift exchange I'm currently participating in is a graphic novels exchange. I haven't shipped off the stuff for my match - I'm waiting for a couple more items to come in, so I can package them all up and ship them off, but that's okay, I've got until September 5.
But! I got my present today. And it is cool!
It's actually the first volume of a comic book collection, and I think DH will go nuts when I start buying the rest. (Sorry! I promise to only buy, like, one volume a month?) The comic is called Chew:
Tony Chu is a detective with a secret. A weird secret. Tony Chu is Cibopathic, which means he gets psychic impressions from whatever he eats. It also means he's a hell of a detective, as long as he doesn't mind nibbling on the corpse of a murder victim to figure out whodunit, and why. He's been brought on by the Special Crimes Division of the FDA, the most powerful law enforcement agency on the planet, to investigate their strangest, sickest, and most bizarre cases.
How awesome is that?!
- Libraries, Books, & Authors
- Happy birthday, Ray Bradbury! Although he's best remembered for Fahrenheit 451, I preferred The Martian Chronicles
- New Challenges Expected for The Giver
- Waukesha Rejects Challenges to Two More Books
- ‘No Future for You’ I want to find this book.
- The 5 most expensive comics ever sold
- 6 Ways To Become a Power User of the Public Library
- Alternative Capes: Superhero Stories You Need To Read Scott Pilgrim I know - the rest? Must find...
- How Nancy Sparked Our Next Campaign Related: Girls in Nigeria Need Books!
- Ferguson
- CNN reports "Broken Eye Socket" didn't happen
- The case of Michael Brown: Missing police reports, anonymous sources and shoddy journalism Related: Michael Brown Shooting: Why Ferguson Police Never Filed 'Incident Report'
- Convicting Darren Wilson Will Be Basically Impossible
- Teacher raises nearly $80,000 to feed Ferguson kids who can’t get meals at shuttered schools
- “Less Lethal” Flash-Bangs Used in Ferguson Leave Some Feeling the Burn
- Trigger happy
- Ferguson and the Modern Debtor’s Prison
- Face it, blacks. Michael Brown let you down. So instead, can someone just shoot Jesus Christ already? "I didn't know Michael Brown, and I don’t know his family. I don’t know what happened on that day (only one of us does). But I do know that he couldn't be the Christ that White America so desperately needed. And they do need him. Perhaps more than anyone else in the world right now, they need Jesus."
- Net & Tech
- Windowless Planes Offer Passengers Spectacular Panoramic Views
- Hydrogen-Generating Water Splitter Runs on AAA Battery
- Science
- WHO warns of 'shadow zones,' hidden cases in Ebola outbreak
- Disturbingly High Concentrations of Ozone Depleting Molecule
- Alzheimer's Patients To Be Given Young Blood In Clinical Trial
- 12-Year-Old Receives First 3D Printed Vertebra Implant
- Other
- Mitch McConnell's Public Town Hall Meeting Turns Out To Be A Private Town Hall Meeting!
- Dad of 'affluenza' teen accused of impersonating police Must run in the family, I guess.
- Battered Women Behind Bars: True Stories on Stage
- 'Severe' drought covers nearly 99.8% of California, report says
- Local law enforcement agencies receive snow camouflage, mine-resistant vehicle from federal government Wait, why do New Orleans police need snow camouflage? And Jeff Parish...needs an MRAP??
- Banana Republics and Bad Apples Abroad
- Deported From U.S., Honduran Immigrants Return To Death And Terror
- This Secret Treasure Room May Be The Best Birthday Present Of All Time
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