Net Neutrality News
- Libraries, Books, & Authors
- We Support James Risen Because We Support a Free Press 'Pentagon Papers whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg says: "The pursuit of Risen is a warning to potential sources that journalists cannot promise them confidentiality for disclosing Executive Branch criminality, recklessness, deception, unconstitutional policies or lying us into war.'
- Confronting Reality By Reading Fantasy "But I bristle whenever fantasy is characterized as escapism. It’s not a very accurate way to describe it; in fact, I think fantasy is a powerful tool for coming to an understanding of oneself. The magic trick here, the sleight of hand, is that when you pass through the portal, you re-encounter in the fantasy world the problems you thought you left behind in the real world.... When you go to Narnia, your worries come with you. Narnia just becomes the place where you work them out and try to resolve them. "
- Expect More : Demanding Better Libraries For Today's Complex World Fair warning: this is an entire book, not a short article.
- Footprints: Libraries: Public and Private
- More books for kids (although, let's all admit, adults love them, too): Books to Fuel Their Imagination.
- University of Techology Sydney student Freya Newman charged over leaking scholarship on Prime Minister’s daughter Frances Abbott Most news sites are calling Ms. Newman a librarian, but, from what I can gather, she was a writing student who worked nights in the library.
- Promote Literacy with Grammarly
- Net & Tech
- Big four carriers accused of violating the only remaining net neutrality rule
- Google Removes More Than 50 Links to Wikipedia Content
- Science
- On Ebola
- Study Confirms That Ebola Is Not Transmitted Through The Air
- CDC issues emergency 'all-hands' call for Ebola response Related: FDA authorizes Ebola test; vaccine will probably take until 2015
- Sierra Leone army blockades Ebola areas, Liberia declares emergency
- Why do two white Americans get the Ebola serum while hundreds of Africans die?
- Ebola treatment prompts criticism from Ann Coulter, Donald Trump, Ben Carson
- Republican congressman: Immigrant children might carry Ebola I didn't know they had to travel through Liberia to get here... /sigh
- Mercury Levels in the Surface Ocean Have Tripled Since Industrial Revolution
- UK to Launch Commercial Spaceport by 2018
- New Finch Species Evolves Before Our Eyes
- Other
- Thailand: Five hundred days of dictatorship
- No, You're Not Entitled To Your Opinion
- Why don't I get a piece of that?: Why Americans hate people on welfare
- How Wall Street Tobacco Deals Left States With Billions in Toxic Debt
- Ask Andrew W.K.: My Dad Is a Right-Wing Asshole Excellent advice!
- Couple Uses #ShareACoke Campaign To Announce Their Pregnancy In The Cutest Way Ever Awwww....
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