In Other News...
I very much enjoy philosophy parties, and MB is a great babysitter.
That is all.
That is all.
- Libraries, Books, & Authors
- Cleveland, TX pastor wants "demonic" books pulled from the shelves of the public library
- Readers absorb less on Kindles than on paper, study finds
- Poet Known As The 'Lioness Of Iran' Dies At 87
- The land of 10,000 lakes now has a floating library
- Happy birthday, Edgar Lee Masters! He wrote Spoon River Anthology, a wonderful collection of fictional epitaphs that explores small town American life. You can go get and read the print version, or explore the poems online.
- God at Nuremberg: How an American pastor came to comfort Nazis
- Net & Tech
- Does the White House’s cybersecurity czar need to be a coder? He says no. I don't suppose the Surgeon General needs to know anything about medicine, either.
- The Information Counter-Revolution "The information age has entered a new era — one where our rights to connect and communicate are under constant siege by governments and corporations."
- For Internet celebrities, net neutrality proves a cause célèbre
- Twitter confirmed: Tweets from people you don’t follow will show up on your timeline But...I don't want that...
- 'Orange is the New Black' fight sparks new House Wikipedia ban
- University Bans Social Media, Political Content and Wikipedia Pages On Dorm WiFi
- Ferguson
- “I kill everybody, I Don’t Care.” Mentally Deranged, Right Wing Fanatic Cop Suspended In Ferguson (VIDEO)
- An incident report on the killing of Michael Brown is finally released ... and tells us nothing
- A woman shot during Ferguson protests says police are not investigating
- Eye-witness accounts of Mike Brown's murder, in chronological order. #Ferguson
- Other
- The 10-Year-Old Boy Has Died, Probably Of Ebola
- The Student Loan Crusader: How Elizabeth Warren Wants to Reduce Debt
- House Candidate Called Female Senators "Undeserving Bimbos in Tennis Shoes"
- From Missouri to Syria, Journalists Are Becoming Targets
- 63 trillion gallons of groundwater lost in drought, study finds
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