I Had a Talk With Ranga...
"Hey, Ranga, what if I started a web comic series of our adventures? Wouldn't that be neat?"
"Er...not really. It would just be you sitting on the couch, trying to balance the laptop and a kitten on your lap, eating tortilla chips and getting guacamole everywhere."
"Oh. True. I suppose that wouldn't be very exciting."
"Also, you can't draw. I mean, you can barely draw a recognizable cartoon elephant."
He's a very perspicacious kitten. Sorry, guys. No web comic from me. Ah, well....
"Er...not really. It would just be you sitting on the couch, trying to balance the laptop and a kitten on your lap, eating tortilla chips and getting guacamole everywhere."
"Oh. True. I suppose that wouldn't be very exciting."
"Also, you can't draw. I mean, you can barely draw a recognizable cartoon elephant."
He's a very perspicacious kitten. Sorry, guys. No web comic from me. Ah, well....
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- We can talk about Ferguson
- Other
- John Crawford Case: It’s Open Carry for Whites and Open Season on Blacks
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