Pho is Good...
Pho is my go-to soup when I'm not feeling well. Especially with lots of jalapenos. Mmmm....
- Libraries, Books, & Authors
- A previously unpublished chapter of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
- Who am I: can children's books make you question your identity? That's a good thing.
- Net & Tech
- New program - "Truthy" - joins NSA and IRS in watching you
- Is it time to quit Facebook?
- Fastest Internet in US? It's Chattanooga, TN, Thanks to Local and Fed $$$ (Ps. Big Cable Very Angry)
- Science
- Libertarian ideology is the natural enemy of science
- Fresh eruption: 60 m high lava fountains
- How Does the Brain Learn Best? Smart Studying Strategies
- Eruption continues at full force
- Ferguson
- Fallout from questionable police actions in Ferguson continues
- At least 5 Ferguson officers apart from Brown shooter have been named in lawsuits
- Ferguson Man Forms an Inspiring Team with Cop Watchers to Hold Police Accountable
- At Ferguson March, Call to Halt Traffic in Labor Day Highway Protest
- Saturday nutpick-a-palooza: Michael Brown's racist funeral Good grief!
- White man jaywalks with gun...guess what happens? "I wanted to find out what happened to this white man who defied police, made obscene gestures at them and who cursed them out." Hint: He doesn't get shot.
- Other
- A Tale of Two 9-Year-Olds: The One on the Playground, and the One With an Uzi "Parents who allow their 9-year-old to play unsupervised at a playground can be arrested, but handing a nine-year-old an Uzi is perfectly acceptable. Unfortunately, that’s not hyperbole."
- 10 intriguing female revolutionaries that you didn’t learn about in history class
- If We Gave Men the Same Rape Advice We Give Women, Here's How Absurd It Would Sound
- Republicans Court Female Voters By Carefully Explaining That Women Are Wrong Wow...
- Neighborhood mailbox stickers let communities display items they have to share
- Making Sure Those Walking Horses Aren't Hurting Horses
- Texas Border Patrol agent fires at armed militia member while chasing border crossers
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