Movies with Friends
Last night, my friend and I went to see Only Lovers Left Alive. It was amazing! Dark and funny, with enough references to Tesla, Shakespeare, Byron, Mary Wollstonecraft, and others to make a geek girl/librarian giggle, it is such a refreshing change from the angsty teen vampires running rampant around bookstores and theaters today. Adam has his fair share of angst (but at least it's a fair share), but Eve is far from the doe-eyed maiden thrilled to exist in his shadow. There are poignant messages about love, human nature, science and art - and the movie itself is simply gorgeous. It helps, of course, that the main characters are played by Tom Hiddleston and Tilda Swinton, but the cinematography is brilliant, the play on colors is wonderful, and....
Look, just go see the movie. Then we can talk about it, yeah? Warning: Rated R, for good reason; it's really not for kids. If you're looking for more Twilight, move on...
Look, just go see the movie. Then we can talk about it, yeah? Warning: Rated R, for good reason; it's really not for kids. If you're looking for more Twilight, move on...
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- Other:
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