From Under Thailand's Military Rule, Protesters Pick Up Books To Defy Coup:
"Their defiance, if you can call it that, is found in the titles they chose. Among them: 'Unarmed Insurrection,' 'The Politics of Despotic Paternalism,' 'The Power of Non-Violent Means.'"
And, of course, my personal favorite, Nineteen Eighty-Four.
In fact, a friend of mine has been participating in these protests, although carefully. She keeps an eye on escape routes, and is avoiding places the military has already closed off. She's reading Nineteen Eighty-Four. And she's going slowly - the story makes her sad, because it is too real. If you've read the book, you probably thought the draconian system was a bit overblown, yes? But it's becoming reality for the Thai people right now - including worries that family members will be the ones to turn you in to the authorities, that the government is carefully watching what you say and to whom you speak, and utter confusion about who is in charge and why. It's chaos, and it breaks my heart. I hope and pray democracy - true democracy - will come to the Land of Smiles. Then we'll all have something to smile about.
For more on the situation:
- Thai troops deployed to halt Bangkok protests
- Thailand: anti-coup protesters scuffle with troops
- Thai Military Shuts Down Bangkok in Fear of Protests
- Libraries, Books, & Authors:
- Why Horror is Good For You (and Even Better for Your Kids) An excellent article on horror stories! Seriously, this should be printed up and handed out to every parent in every library ever who doesn't want to let their kid read a scary book the (s)he really, really, really wants.
- Fireside will be open to submissions of flash fiction and short stories from June 1 through June 30th. Check it out!
- Net & Tech:
- N.S.A. Collecting Millions of Faces From Web Images
- Come Reset the Net! Protect your privacy!
- The day my mind became open sourced Is your mind open sourced?
- Pirate Bay co-founder Peter Sunde reportedly arrested in Sweden
- Science:
- Curmudgeons, cranks and misanthropes beware: Dementia is more likely
- Measles Cases In The US Reach 20-Year High Please vaccinate your kids! Measles is very, very dangerous!
- PETA Runs Deceptive Campaign About Autism
- New Study Suggests The World Is On The Brink Of The Next Great Extinction Usually that takes a supervolcanic eruption or an asteroid strike; this time, it's...er...it's us.
- Other:
- The Prosthetic Medic, our favorite cyborg, gave a great speech at Stanford Medicine X. Also, he steampunk'd his leg! It. Looks. Awesome. Rightly so - he's pretty freakin' awesome. Check it out:
- Meet The Three Female Medical Students Who Destroyed Gender Norms A Century Ago
- Bad, bad, bad news for schools this week: In New Orleans, major school district closes traditional public schools for good, leaving nothing but problematic charter schools in place; and Philidelphia shows us one surefire way to wreck a public school system, which - no surprise - also has to do with charter schools.
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