Banned Books Week! Er...Well, Not Quite Yet...
Today, I sat in on a live Google+ Hangout: Banned Books Week 2014: A discussion with Little Brother author Cory Doctorow About Celebrating Graphic Novels. It was great, and I encourage you all to watch it!
I'm excited about Banned Books Week - which is kind of sad because that doesn't happen until September. This year, the focus will be on comics and graphic novels, and you all know how I feel about censorship of illustrated materials.
I'm so excited!
Are you already planning your Banned Books Week activities? If you, like I, read a banned book every year during that week, why not plan to read a banned graphic novel this year?
I'm excited about Banned Books Week - which is kind of sad because that doesn't happen until September. This year, the focus will be on comics and graphic novels, and you all know how I feel about censorship of illustrated materials.
I'm so excited!
Are you already planning your Banned Books Week activities? If you, like I, read a banned book every year during that week, why not plan to read a banned graphic novel this year?
- Libraries, Books, & Authors:
- Happy 75th anniversary of the Library Bill of Rights! I do not know why there is no Google Doodle for this, I really don't. If you aren't familiar with the Library Bill of Rights, go read them!
- Supreme Court hands down decision in SBAL v. Driehaus: victory for FTRF!
- Just 1 High School Librarian: My reaction to the Governor's Common Core Announcement
- New York, Chicago, Hawaii Bid For Obama Presidential Library My bet's on Chicago, although I'd like to see it in Hawaii.
- Sounding Off Against Librarians Sheesh...
- 10 Signs Reading Has Taken Over Your Life All of them. Every. Single. One. I'm okay with this.
- 45 U.S. Governors and Governors’ Spouses have signed on as "Reading Ambassadors"
- Net & Tech:
- Study: Internet Providers Don't Provide Speeds They Advertise I'm shocked! (Note: we still need a sarcasm font...)
- Facebook said they will never use your browsing and app history to show you ads - they lied. Here's the easy way to opt out! It's your privacy - protect it!
- Speaking of online privacy: Ars tests Internet surveillance—by spying on an NPR reporter It's shocking how much information we tend to leak!
- And more on NSA spying: How the NSA may be using games to encourage digital snooping Fun times!
- Connect with the cosmos: Introducing… Luna! This would be a neat way to teach the kids astronomy.
- Science:
- New Mosquito-Borne Virus May Have Hit Kentucky
- Microbeads In Soaps Facing Bans Due To Great Lakes Pollution
- Researchers Use Genetic Switch To Reverse Leukemia In Mice
- Bachelor Party Stumbles Upon Rare Mastodon Fossil In New Mexico That's one heck of a bachelor party...
- 19 Year Old Develops Machine To Clean The Oceans Of Plastic
- Other:
- Violent and Legal: The Shocking Ways School Kids are Being Pinned Down, Isolated Against Their Will
- Promote Reading, Writing, and Patience With an Old Fashioned Penpal
- Stephen Sondheim Reveals Disney's Sanitized Plot Changes For 'Into the Woods' Booooo! "Into the Woods" is my favorite musical - I think I'll just stick with the original version, yeah?
- It's Not Tennessee Whiskey If It's Aged In Kentucky, State Says
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