Holy Tacos! It's the Cat Signal!
CAT SIGNAL! Reset the Net is June 5th!
That's tomorrow! If you haven't already done so, join the thunderclap! Fight for your privacy!
- Libraries, Books, & Authors:
- Crowdfunding: A New Fundraising Option for Libraries That's an interesting idea!
- Banned Books Week 2014 Celebrates Graphic Novels
- LeVar Burton: Criticism Of Reading Rainbow Is ‘Bullsh*t’ He's not wrong.
- Ever remember a story fondly, but can't remember the title or author? There's a community that might be able to help: What was that book?
- Every Letter In The Alphabet Graphed By Its Frequency of Use Neat! Also, "z" is extremely lazy...
- It’s Normal to Be Upset About That ... Thing That Happened on Sunday’s Game of Thrones Warning: Spoilers!
- Just What the Humping Heck is “Character Agency,” Anyway? Vital information for writers, here!
- Science:
- Why do we bruise? And why do bruises change color? Next time Swicky asks, I'll have an answer.
- Other:
- Help Pass Insurance Fairness for Amputees Nationally!
- What’s Lost as Handwriting Fades A lot, actually!
- Come take a Two Minute Tour of Xavier's School for the Gifted! Er...sort of...maybe...
- Chester Nez, last of original Navajo code talkers of World War II, dies These were amazing people
- The American Dream is out of reach!
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