- Libraries, Books, Writers, & Suchlike
- Chicago chosen as future home of Obama Presidential Center
- Prince Charles's black spider memos to be published on Wednesday
- Bangladesh blogger Ananta Bijoy Das hacked to death
- Oh, the Iron Gall of That King John
- Why kids lose interest in reading as they get older
- May 12, 1828: Poet and painter Dante Gabriel Rossetti is born
- Awesome news!! Fast-Track Trade Measure Fails Key Test Vote In Senate It's far from over for TPP, or fast-tracking, but it's a good first step!
- Sen. Warren On The 'Tilted Process' Of Asia Trade Bill "I have been able to go to a special, secured room. I can't take any electronic devices, no computer, no iPhone. I can't even walk out with paper notes. I can go and read about the agreement but I cannot come out in public and talk about any of the specifics. The press can't see it; the public can't see it. But I will tell you this, there are some folks who have seen it. There are 28 working groups that have helped shape the trade deal and in those 28 working groups there are more than 500 people. It turns out that 85 percent of them are either corporate executives — senior corporate executives — or lobbyists for the industries that are being affected. The way I see this, that's a tilted process, and a tilted process yields a tilted result." She ain't wrong. President Obama, We deserve transparency
- Net & Tech
- Health & Science
- Researchers Could Help Predict People At Risk Of Schizophrenia Using New Scanning Methods
- Liberia Officially Declared Ebola Free
- Cuba Has a Lung Cancer Vaccine - And America Wants It
- Sri Lanka first nation to protect all mangrove forests
- Sea Level Is Rising Fast – And It Seems To Be Speeding Up
- Education
- Authority Issues
- Freddie Gray among many suspects who do not get medical care from Baltimore police
- South Carolina man shot by the police he called for help
- Prisons are a cash cow: How privatization forged an incarceration industrial complex "Thanks to kickbacks from phone companies, state and local governments have every reason to keep their prison cells filled, no matter what the cost to the rest of society. And when there’s so much money to be made from exploiting prisoners, and that money then gets recycled back to the politicians as campaign contributions, it’s that much harder to get our elected representatives to reform our screwed-up criminal legal system. It’s time to stop treating jails like cash cows. "
- Mentally Ill Inmates Are Routinely Physically Abused, Study Says
- ‘Incommunicado’ Forever: Gitmo Detainee’s Case Stalled For 2,477 Days And Counting
- Louisiana
- International
- Other (Serious Stuff)
- Pope says many powerful people don't want peace "Pope Francis said Monday that 'many powerful people don't want peace because they live off war'." Pope knows what's up.
- Jeb Bush Would Have Authorized Iraq War — Even Knowing What We Know Now Is warmongering a genetic trait?
- Why the Democratic path to a House majority may run through a courtroom "Top Democratic attorneys are arguing before state and federal courts that district maps drawn in a handful of states violate the Voting Rights Act by improperly packing African American voters into a small number of districts, limiting their influence."
- Other (Awesome Stuff)
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