Wait - WHAT!?

Paul Ryan is insane!

Ryan’s Proposed 2015 Budget Would Eliminate IMLS:

Among librarians...the most controversial cost-saving measure proposed in the Ryan budget might be its elimination of the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) entirely, cutting millions in grants to libraries around the country.

Craziness! You should read this: ALA President responds to House proposal to eliminate IMLS

IMLS provides funds that enable libraries across the country to support their communities, providing resources and information access to anyone and everyone who needs it. As ALA President Young points out, public libraries see 1.5 billion in-person visitors a year - the equivalent of 4.1 million visitors a day! These libraries provide free entertainment - via books, movies, music, and more, host educational programs for the public, teach early childhood literacy skills, enable access to the Internet, act as repositories for government documents, and so much more. And that's just public libraries - we've not even touched on the vital offerings of public and higher education libraries, the cultural importance of museums, and so much else IMLS supports.

Action Alert: Oppose Elimination of IMLS and NEH! That's right - he's also calling for the elimination of the National Endowment of the Humanities. I suppose he believes cultural enrichment and information access should only belong to the wealthy?



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