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It's been a busy day.
- Libraries, Books, Writers, & Suchlike
- The Internet can’t replace libraries: Why they matter more than ever in the age of Google "Of all the institutions we have, both public and private, the public library is the truest democratic space."
- 10 Books That Will Change How You Think About Fairy Tales
- The Entire Case Records from a Victorian Asylum Are Now Online
- May 28, 2014: Author Maya Angelou dies Some of us are still in mourning...A powerful woman and author.
- May 28, 1935: Tortilla Flat is published
- Net & Tech
- Health & Science
- Live anthrax inadvertently shipped by U.S. military That's a pretty big "oops."
- Genetically modified immune cells with ‘suicide genes’ designed to attack cancers
- Alzheimer’s origins tied to rise of human intelligence
- White House hits pause on editing human germline cells
- As Glaciers Retreat, They Give up the Bodies and Artifacts They Swallowed
- Obama announces new EPA protection of waterways
- Bee-friendly: World’s first ‘bumblebee highway’ opened in Norway
- Nigeria Bans Female Genital Mutilation: African Powerhouse Sends ‘Powerful Signal’ About FGM With New Bill
- Education
- Why failure is crucial for a student’s success
- Carnival company to give free party for kids who missed out Good for them!
- A Top Medical School Revamps Requirements To Lure English Majors Very interesting...
- Author Of Apparently Faked Study About Gay People Changing Voters’ Minds Responds Related: The Largest Funding Source Listed on Michael LaCour’s CV Is Made-Up and Michael LaCour Made Up a Teaching Award, Too I think someone needs to help this poor young man; his pants are on fire!
- Other (Serious Stuff)
- Sister Megan Rice, Freed From Prison, Looks Ahead to More Anti-Nuclear Activism
- Behavior of Military Lawyer in Boondoggle HQ Inquiry Under Scrutiny "Several U.S. Senators and military lawyers say they are concerned by Col. Norm Allen’s attempts to thwart an investigation into why the U.S. Military built an unneeded luxury headquarters in Afghanistan."
- Nebraska lawmakers ban death penalty, overriding veto in dramatic vote
- Sanders Bill Signals Growth of Broad Robin Hood Tax Movement "Seven years after Wall Street gamblers wrenched the U.S. economy into the worst economic swoon since the Great Depression, the movement to make the high rollers pay some restitution to people and communities harmed by their profligacy is gaining stream."
- Read Bernie Sanders’s populist, policy-heavy speech kicking off his campaign
- Elizabeth Warren Is 'Mad As Hell,' And Wants You To Be Too
- Silicon Valley Discovers the Cheapest Way to Help the Homeless: Give Them Homes
- Continuing on in the 10 Ideas to Save the Economy series: Strengthen Unions
- Other (Interesting Stuff)
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