Links are Cool!
- Libraries, Books, Writers, & Suchlike
- Five hundred new fairytales discovered in Germany
- May 17, 1873: Dorothy Richardson, pioneer of stream of consciousness, is born I'm personally not a big fan of stream of consciousness writing, but some people love it.
- TPP: Obama's Folly "Barack Obama's petulant criticism last Friday of Democrats who do not support his proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership reminds me of the old tongue-in-cheek advice to young lawyers: 'If the facts are on your side, pound the facts. If the law is on your side, pound the law. If neither is on your side, pound the other lawyer.'" Since neither the facts nor the law are on his side, he's "desperately pounding the opposition....One thing is certain: If his shameful pounding of dissenters to the TPP is successful, the result will be to further pulverize the living standards of American workers."
- Net & Tech
- Why Dial-Up Internet Isn’t Dead Yet "The vast majority of Americans abandoned their dial-up connections in droves sometime between 2000 and 2010. But their numbers plateaued in recent years. Meanwhile, a slender minority of the population, roughly 3%, didn’t make the switch, according to Pew Research. Year after year, the same percentage of Americans stuck to dial-up."
- Obama's Broadband Legacy "It is in the city and region that Obama sees hope for the nation's future, and it's broadband that he sees as a vital first step toward a whole new economy based not on manufacturing or even service provision but on knowledge or, more precisely, creativity and innovation. Now, for the first time in years, the door is open for cities everywhere to take the lead in building a broadband infrastructure that can be one of the fastest, cheapest Internet services imaginable."
- Health & Science
- Early Humans Had Gender Equal Societies
- Scientists Identify Genetic Difference Between Early Risers And Late Sleepers
- How a small backpack for fast genomic sequencing is helping combat Ebola
- Why Is Oil And Gas Activity Causing Earthquakes? And Can We Reduce The Risk?
- Why the Amazon flows backward
- Antarctic Ice Shelf Set To Collapse Within A Century
- Authority Issues
- Privacy, civil rights groups push rules for police body cameras
- NYPD Officers Attempt to Arrest 14-Year-Old Girl- Community Doesn’t Allow It
- A White Man And A Black Man Open Carry An AR 15: Guess Who Gets Arrested? "On May 6, a white man and a black man conducted a high-risk experiment. The two pro-gun, open carry supporters walked the streets of their neighborhoods with the exact same type of gun — an AR 15 — slung over their backs. They both live in places where it’s legal to open carry, and they both got stopped by police. That’s where their similarities end."
- Other (Serious Stuff)
- Sorry, Jeb. Your Brother Did Create ISIS I mean, he didn't found it or whatnot, but - yeah, he certainly initiated the perfect conditions. And he was warned that it would happen.
- Why the improvement in the black unemployment rate will be short-lived "Blacks see greater gains during good times because they fall so far behind in bad. Since the aftermath of the civil rights movement, African American unemployment rates have remained almost exactly twice as high as those of whites. No matter what else is going on in the economy."
- How Racism Doomed Baltimore "The tensions associated with segregation and concentrated poverty place many cities at risk of unrest. But the acute nature of segregation in Baltimore — and the tools that were developed to enforce it over such a long period of time — have left an indelible mark and given that city a singular place in the country’s racial history."
- Railroads, Congress feuded while life-saving technology lagged "Tuesday’s fatal Amtrak crash followed seven years of feuding between Congress and the railroad industry over who should bear the cost of technology designed to prevent such accidents — while the process of installing the safeguards fell disastrously behind schedule."
- Emily Farris Is Not Running for President "In a survey released on Wednesday, Public Policy Polling found that Farris near the bottom of the GOP field. She polled well behind fellow Texans Rick Perry and Ted Cruz. Just 3 percent of voters had formed a favorable opinion of her, while 20 percent reported unfavorable views. Only embattled New Jersey Governor Chris Christie faced a wider gap. And Farris isn't even running. She's a political science professor at Texas Christian University, whose name was included within the enormous field of Republican hopefuls as a statistical control. 'It's a little surreal to think that 20 percent of Republican primary voters have a negative opinion of you, when they most likely don't know you,' she told me."
- If America Became a Christian Nation I, for one, would like to live there, please.
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