Just Links...
- Libraries, Books, Writers, & Suchlike
- Net & Tech
- AT&T et al challenging net neutrality order on 1st Amendment grounds Absolutely ridiculous, of course, and worrisome - it shows that ISPs will resort to anything to bring down net neutrality and force consumers into tiered access plans, restricting our information access unnecessarily in order to make an extra buck for no additional value.
- Health & Science
- Obama is creating a 1,500-mile “butterfly corridor” to help Monarchs get from Mexico to Minnesota
- California investigates nine-mile oil slick
- Geologist says pipeline threatens Monroe springs
- Authority Issues
- International
- Sold for ransom: On the trail of Thailand's human traffickers
- France to force big supermarkets to give unsold food to charities "The French national assembly voted unanimously to pass the legislation as France battles an epidemic of wasted food that has highlighted the divide between giant food firms and people who are struggling to eat." Sounds like an excellent idea.
- Other (Serious Stuff)
- 'A Beautiful Mind' mathematician John Nash, wife killed in crash
- Concerning the War on the Poor: Kansas’s welfare madness "A cynical read is that Kansas’s $25 withdrawal limit is a stealth strategy to reduce real welfare benefits for the working poor. A more charitable view is that Kansas lawmakers and Gov. Sam Brownback (R) didn’t realize the extent of the burden they were imposing on their poor constituents, to the perverse benefit of ATM operators. Either way, the policy will be reviewed in Washington for compliance with federal law. The Social Security Act demands 'access to using or withdrawing assistance with minimal fees or charges.' Noncompliance with this mandate could lead the federal government to withhold $100 million in yearly funding from the state."
- Florida Governor Signs One Bill Protecting Free Speech... And Another That Undermines It
- ALEC Losing Clout, Legitimacy amid Ongoing Controversy and Tax Fraud
- Whatever Happened to Antitrust?
- Other (Awesome Stuff)
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