The Bad Sort of Beads
- Libraries, Books, Writers, & Suchlike
- What Every Librarian Needs to Know About HTTPS
- Orange County Judge Allen Baddour: Sex offenders can visit public libraries
- Religious advocacy group Liberty Counsel sues Wake County for denying it library access
- NYC Mayor’s Proposed 2016 Budget Shows $10 Million Funding Cut For New York City’s Library Systems Youch...
- 7 Fundamental Rules of Poetry
- 10 Science Fiction Writers Predict How Our World Will Change In The Next 10 Years
- May 8, 1899: Yeats’ The Countess Cathleen opens at the Irish Literary Theatre
- Newly Discovered 17th Century Document Described Now-Extinct Mauritian Wildlife
- Net & Tech
- The USA Freedom Act: A smaller Big Brother
- White House asks Congress to pass NSA reform legislation
- Bernie Sanders Rips NSA Spying and Pushes for End to Mass Surveillance
- Appeals court upholds Pandora’s victory over songwriters
- How do you take down a $20 billion black market and save the rhinos with a 3D printer? Like this. Huh. That's a thought. Wonder if it'll work?
- NASA Technology Saved Four Lives in Nepal Earthquake By Detecting Their Heartbeats
- Health & Science
- After Nearly Claiming His Life, Ebola Lurked in a Doctor’s Eye
- Scientists Restore Sight In Blind Mice
- Scientists Regenerate Nerve Fibers After Spinal Cord Injury
- 4.0-Magnitude Earthquake Shakes North Texas
- Education
- Authority Issues
- Four On-Duty Black Officers Pulled Over And Held At Gunpoint By White Cops
- MA Police Chief Says Enough Is Enough, Will No Longer Arrest Addicts Who Want Help Very cool!
- Life After Exoneration "When an innocent person is finally set free, it’s no fairy tale."
- Other (Serious Stuff)
- Why on Earth Is Obama Promoting TPP with Global Expoiter Nike? I mean, I suppose it's funny that he'd choose a venue that so clearly shows what's wrong with TPP...
- Bernie Sanders Unveils New Bill To Break Up The Big Banks Once And For All
- Wisconsin Republicans Would Spend Millions To Micromanage Poor People’s Shopping
- Chuck Norris, Louis Gohmert and other Texans adamantly refuse to believe that Obama isn’t invading their state
- Gabrielle Giffords: Gun violence a 'women's issue' Makes perfect sense, to me.
- 10 Ideas to Save the Economy: Help Working Families
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