And Also With You...No, Wait, That's...
- Libraries, Books, Writers, & Suchlike
- Orleans Parish voters approve millage increase to fund library system Hooray!
- Patron Privacy in Online Catalogs and Discovery Services
- The Giant Robots That Serve the World's Largest Library Archives Giant robots, guys!
- “Free” Ebooks Don’t Help Poor Kids "Poor kids don’t have access to internet or devices. It’s a fact, and it’s backed up time and time again. So why is it that, despite these numbers, the publishing industry takes on initiatives meant to reach poor kids and improve their literacy in ways that show a clear lack of understanding about the real problems these kids face? How come publishers and politicians choose to ignore those who work with children and teenagers struggling with access — to books, to reading, to technology, to a host of literacies, including digital?...Get books into the hands of kids who need them. But get those books and stories into their hands in ways they have access to, and in ways that make sense to their life situations. Partner with organizations who know these demographics and who work with them on a daily basis to see what is actually helpful, rather than a nice piece of publicity."
- The Myth of Boring History: Sharing the Suspense with Kids
- What Parents Need to Know About Middle Grade and Young Adult Novels
- Little Robot and Children's Book Week
- What is the Oxford comma and why do people care so much about it? I'm a big fan of the Oxford comma. AP is just crazybeans.
- Net & Tech
- How to Be A Google Power User [Infographic] Because we all know that's the first place you go.
- Is Misha in North America? "In the smartphone/livetweeting/Periscope age, I've come to realize that privacy is a vestige of a former era. I fully embrace this new world order and in an effort to tear down the walls of secrecy from around myself, I had J.A.R.V.I.S. develop this tracking app to let you know my location at all times. Please bookmark and check back frequently for breaking updates." Knowing Misha Collins's extreme snarkiness (and you all know I'm a big fan of snark) and the suspiciously appropriate timing, I can only say I applaud his backhanded show of support for digital privacy! Can we make him an honorary member of ALA?
- Health & Science
- Plague Outbreak In USA Is Traced To Pet Dog
- Ebola Survivors Should Use Condoms Indefinitely
- Government Confirms Increased Earthquake Activity Related To Fracking
- NASA Successfully Tests New Flexible Airplane Wings
- Slightly religious post: NPR, Unicorns, and the Great American Cultural Divide
- Education
- Happy Teacher Appreciation Week! Related: Scholastic Celebrates Teacher Appreciation Week Lots of great stuff on there!
- Watch John Oliver Explore Insanity of Standardized Testing
- International
- Severe earthquake near Wanaka
- Anti-Police Protest in Israel Turns Violent
- More than 200 young women rescued from Boko Haram are pregnant
- Authority Issues
- ‘Our Demand Is Simple: Stop Killing Us’
- As investigation enters fifth month, Tamir Rice’s mother has moved into a homeless shelter
- Clayton County Sheriff Hill shoots woman inside model home
- Police Start to Reconsider Longstanding Rules on Using Force
- NYPD Attacks and Arrests Man for Filming a Cop Pawing a Woman
- Other (Serious Stuff)
- Trans Pacific Trickle-Down Economics "Have we learned nothing from thirty years of failed trickle-down economics? By now we should know that when big corporations, Wall Street, and the wealthy get special goodies, the rest of us get shafted....If the Trans Pacific Partnership is enacted, big corporations, Wall Street, and their top executives and shareholders will make out like bandits. Who will the bandits be stealing from? The rest of us." Related: Extreme secrecy eroding support for Obama's trade pact
- Republicans, Democrats, and Bernie Sanders: Expanding America’s Political Dialogue "What I am suggesting is exactly what Bernie has called for with [h]is candidacy: a revolution of sorts without a revolution. Put simply, a political revolution. A democratic movement. A peaceful transition to a more equitable, sustainable, and progressive form of liberal democracy. Republicans, and some Democrats, will say that this is 'class warfare' and 'socialism.' The last question we should ask is this: so what?"
- Ben Carson Announces Run For President
- Carly Fiorina announces presidential bid Related: Carly Fiorina Forgot to Register a Very Important Website - Oops.
- Matter of Time "There are a lot of strange things that could happen under the rules of the Electoral College....There is one big glaring loophole, though. A fatal design flaw." Well, that's politically terrifying...
- Bobby Jindal Could Save Louisiana and His Legacy, But He Won’t "For the last seven years...Bobby Jindal has single-handedly guided Louisiana to the brink of financial catastrophe....During his two terms as governor, Bobby Jindal has dedicated hundreds of millions, if not billions, of dollars in order to lure major corporations into Louisiana, and he has prevented the state from collecting the 55% of corporate tax revenue that it leaves on the table every single year. Louisiana has absolutely nothing to show for these gimmicks...The state’s unemployment rate is well above the national average; its health outcomes are abysmal, its infrastructure is failing, and its education system is consistently ranked as one of the worst three or four in the nation."
- Other (Fun Stuff)
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